Dem Donor Pleads Guilty to Illegal Campaign Spending – IOTW Report

Dem Donor Pleads Guilty to Illegal Campaign Spending

WFB: A major Democratic donor pleaded guilty for “conspiring to make and conceal” illegal campaign contributions during the 2016 presidential election and 2018 midterms, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

California business executive Stevan Hill admitted to funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in “conduit and excessive campaign contributions” to Democratic candidates in 2016 and beyond, a Justice Department press release states. Top recipients include failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), and former Missouri senator Claire McCaskill (D.), who owns a private plane

Hill gave the three Democrats a combined $12,700, according to campaign finance records. He also gave $100,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, which then sent contributions to the Democratic National Committee and 34 Democratic state parties, including Virginia, Iowa, Michigan, and New Jersey. 

“Hill pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to make conduit contributions, make excessive contributions, cause false statements to be made, and cause false entries in records,” the Justice Department said in a statement. “He is scheduled to be sentenced at a later date and faces a statutory maximum of five years in prison.” read more

3 Comments on Dem Donor Pleads Guilty to Illegal Campaign Spending

  1. Until a democrat is treated to the Dinesh D’Souza standard, will I start believing that we might have an equal system of justice.

    I hold out little hope of ever having my faith in our justice system restored.


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