The Economic Times
Who is Karla Jurvetson, the donor behind the protests?
Karla Jurvetson, a California psychiatrist and Democratic megadonor, has contributed more than $500,000 to anti-Tesla protests through Indivisible Action, a political action organization connected to a nonprofit that was organizing the demonstrations against the tech billionaire, Elon Musk, as per reports.
Ironically, her ex-husband, billionaire Steve Jurvetson, is one of Elon Musk’s most trusted allies. More
Oh look. A crazy white liberal bitch. SURPRISE!!!11!!!
Some twisted shit there….but, it tickles me profusely that it has not occurred to these jr. high school clique level twits, that Teslas, being self driving, have a 360deg view. Smile for the cameras you snitpuss vandals …the adults are in charge now, you might just go to jail.
Any bets that “ Indivisible Action” gets (got) funding through USAID?
^^^Oh, look…I stumbled onto the truth:
Annnndddd …no one will be charged criminally.
So RICO statutes should allow the DOJ to seize her assets for her conspiratorial behaviors.
“Karla Jurvetson, a California psychiatrist and Democratic megadonor…”
She doesn’t even have to buy those little red plastic horns and the Devil’s tail, does she?
Oh look! A radical, whacko California psychiatrist. Whooda thunk it!
Her patients may want to consider suing for malpractice
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But, some RICO indictments might just cool her jets.
She’s a California psychiatrist and dem mega-donor.
I’d call her a mean, vicious woman. Her Momma probably worked on a chain gang.