Dem Governors Pledge Allegiance to the Feeb – IOTW Report

Dem Governors Pledge Allegiance to the Feeb


Democrat governors from across the country met with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House today amid cries from many in the party and the media for Joe to step aside.

A few of them emerged from the meeting and spoke to the press, saying that they are standing by Joe Biden and support his decision to stay in the race.

They repeated the claim that Biden just had a ‘bad night’ at the debate. More

13 Comments on Dem Governors Pledge Allegiance to the Feeb

  1. What’s really going to be fun is that the pro-Hamass bunch is planning a massive protest again Biden (or whomever) during the Dem convention in Chicago. The party is metaphorically – and possibly literally – going to blow up in August. I do believe it will be glorious for us to watch – as long as we aren’t within gunshot range of the city!

  2. Feeb…Gimp…Lame…Tard…Presidentish? Deep state stooge? Dimbulb…twostep? Shortbus…meshuggenah? Only one thing’s certain… he is a democrat through and through, and represents, in current condition, the highest and best democrats could EVER aspire to in this or any other life or lives. He is a paragon of democrat intellectual, moral and physical power and prowess, none among them could best him in any of those, or any other, area of endeavor.

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