Dem Insider Says ‘Republicans For Harris’ is Scam Created By Kamala’s Campaign – IOTW Report

Dem Insider Says ‘Republicans For Harris’ is Scam Created By Kamala’s Campaign

Western Journal:

If you’ve been on political social media since Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, you’ve doubtlessly seen a few liberal friends reposting some stuff from Republicans for Harris.

Speedily and bluntly put, Republicans for Harris is to 2024 what the Lincoln Project was to 2020: What appears to be a loose group of anti-Trump “Republicans” going around about how great the Democratic candidate is.

Never mind that this “loose group” is anything but, just like the Lincoln Project, and never mind that Republicans for Harris has actually managed to somehow beat the Lincoln Project in idiotic messaging: more

11 Comments on Dem Insider Says ‘Republicans For Harris’ is Scam Created By Kamala’s Campaign

  1. “We love John McCain”

    Loved, He’s dead, Jim.

    “Donald Trump is dangerous, deranged, and weird.”

    Weird? Really? Not a tell at all.

    “Barbra Seville”

    lol Are we sure this isn’t 4chan or 8chan, or Groypers pranking?

  2. “They can only try this because the media let’s it slide and supports it.”

    Bro I think the media fabricates it. I often wonder how happy the media will be when this country finally achieves absolute Totalitarianism. Then what? It’s what you wanted you ignorant morons.

  3. The leftist MSM local Phoenix affiliates were covering the “republicans against Trump” with unconcealed glee. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature could see right through the astroturf .

  4. Those lofo, inbred, homeless drug addicted commies for the Hindu dindu? Uh, yeah. Right. None of them would dare ride on a merry-go-round because they’re afraid their guts would fly out.

  5. All the left has – lies, deception and greed resulting destruction and death. The Harris/Walz campaign has everything to lose in November. Leftist strategies to steal the election are on steroids.

  6. Don’t kid yourselves – there are plenty of sold-out, stupid, corrupt, me-too republicans.
    How else explain the likes of Dan (one eyed McCain) Crenshaw?
    Mitch McConnell?
    Mike Johnson?
    &c., &c., &c.

    And as for the ene-Media exposing anything … psshhhtt.
    They write what they’re told.
    Total sycophantic ass-sucking parasitic propagandists – not a reporter among them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Janet Mills’ entire family is crooked.
    Actually if you look at what she’s done in Maine she’s a clone of Walz.
    This Peter Mills ran for office years ago as a Republican. Even back then he was squishy.
    Dora Mills, Janet’s sister tried to have middle school girls get birth control pills without parental permission. She was also one of the covid tyrant advisors to her sister.
    One of their brothers is acting as a real estate agent for the Chinese for buying properties for their triad pot farms.
    Like I said, all crooked


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