Dem Mayor Gets a Taste of the Citizenry He Champions For When Street Interview Goes Wrong – IOTW Report

Dem Mayor Gets a Taste of the Citizenry He Champions For When Street Interview Goes Wrong

Matt Mahan – San Jose

29 Comments on Dem Mayor Gets a Taste of the Citizenry He Champions For When Street Interview Goes Wrong

  1. BFH, dude, you posting some hilarious shit today. Security Detail? On who’s recommendation. I would have jumped in to help the black guy.
    San Jose/Santa Clara was my old stomping grounds. Back then solid conservative. And then the offshoring craze hit and it turned socialists over night.

  2. Huh.

    This must be some strange usage of the phrase “Security Detail” that I’m not familiar with, UpDaTeD for A mOdErN aUdIeNcE.

    …I don’t know any cop or, indeed, any normal man that wouldn’t have flattened that dude as soon as he threw down, but then “police” and “men” have been UpDaTeD for A mOdErN aUdIeNcE too,so we get embarrassments like this now, I guess, then wonder why bad guys and other countries don’t fear us any more…

  3. I’ve never seen such white privilege in all my life. The black bro was just walking down the street while just being black and gave bad optics to the white boy mayor so he set his racist thug to beat the innocent black man as all the white privilege people where on therein phones calling the KKK to deal with the innocent disciple of St Floyd and it ends with a bunch of white men setting upon the black victim of a lynching. oh, the Mayor is a Democrat?!? …. ….. never mind, nothing to see here.

  4. SNS
    I’m a student of that game. And when you get old and decrepit it all boils down to footwork. If you’re going to be bad ass at 70, you gotta be able to move your feet.
    I fing love the sweet science

  5. Mr. Security needs more jujitsu training. Nutty black street guy should be hired for security – he’s got better strategic defensive moves. Hilarity ensued with that wacky fight. The Dewmit wimpy leftard Mayor looked super scared.

  6. Dude should sue the City and the Mayor for assault and battery. He’d probably win a big settlement.

    Make the Mayor publicly apologize, confess his white privilege and inherent racism, promise to “do better”, and then resign.

  7. Say there your honor, how’s that diversity thingy workin’ out fer ya? Didja do your Security hiring in a gay bar? Pussy. Probably the first time in my life I was hoping the bad guy won.

  8. Not one Alpha Male in the entire group. The pussy liberal men immediately grab their guns, I mean cell phones to call or text the police. You know the police they defunded.
    I would have dropped Nappy in two seconds end of story.

  9. Somehow I doubt the black guy was released on a cash-free bond.

    Can you imagine what the left would say if that happened to a conservative politician’s “security” detail?

    It would have been Interesting if the camera caught the beginning if that dance. I bet the “security” detail threw the first punch because, ya know, it is not allowed to make leftists politicians look bad (they do that well enough themselves).

  10. The security guy took one YMCA Judo Class and that qualified him for the job in California. If you place your foot on an opponent’s ankle, he’s supposed to just knock himself down. Fun to watch.

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