Dem Mayor: NO CARS for 2028 LA Olympics – IOTW Report

Dem Mayor: NO CARS for 2028 LA Olympics


Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass announced an ambitious plan when her city hosts the summer Olympics in four years and it could be the recipe for an epic mess.

The former Democrat congresswoman is aiming to make the 2028 contests a “no-car games” by requiring attendees to use public transportation to get to and from events during the two-week period when the global spotlight will be on the City of Angels.

“That’s a feat in Los Angeles — we’ve always been in love with our cars,” Bass said at a Saturday news conference in Paris where she was attending the closing ceremony for this year’s games, adding that attendees “will have to take public transportation to get to all the venues.” more

27 Comments on Dem Mayor: NO CARS for 2028 LA Olympics

  1. If 1984 was any example (and no reason NOT to believe that most of these already-existing venues would be used again), some are 70 miles from downtown in relatively remote locations away from LA (thinking of Lake Castaic for rowing, kayaking, etc.) Then there are all the beach locations for various things. LA is generally dysfunctional NOW just trying to get from place to place using mass transit. These locations (other than the venues in downtown), do not have mass transit to them NOW. So all of a sudden this infrastructure will “magically appear?” I would be more worried that these games will NOT be able to happen because of the civil war raging in this country and likely dozens of other around the world by 2028.

  2. And don’t tell me: the ‘venues’ will be spread all over the region making any affordable transit solution unable to transport you from anywhere to a specific venue.

    Well, take solace in the likelihood that if Trump isn’t elected, Los Angeles will likely be a foreign-occupied, burning garbage dump by 2028 that no one will want to visit anyway. (And with Governor Shingles-Head running the state, it might be anyway!)

  3. In 2028 President Walz will be getting orders from China. President Trump will be serving 750 years in prison. Taiwan will be chinas’ chip manufacturing center. Gun owners will be hunted down by the effbeeye and never seen again. 150 million Americans will be in re-education camps. 60 million others will have died of mrna vaccines.
    If Americans don’t wake the hell up.

  4. So I’m guessing she believes the high speed rail will be done by then??

    And to lower the carbon footprint will be the excuse they use for all the empty stands during events. Iconic events like breakdancing and team queen drag.

  5. Well, 2028 is only 2 years shy of the magic year, 2030, by which time we are supposed to be carbon neutral, so I imagine public transit will be the only option for all but the privileged class. Which brings up, how are people supposed to travel to LA for the Olympics when air travel will be heavily restricted? Sailboats, Greyhound and Amtrak?

  6. Public transport is pretty dangerous in LA. Expect knifings, assaults, rapes, murders, etc., during the 2028 Olympics.

    LA is a dysfunctional dystopian nightmare run by liberal loons. Putting on the Olympics in LA in 2028 is like trying to make Alice B. Toklas beautiful.

  7. Karen Bass is a very low IQ individual. I mean basically there’s her and then dirt. Do you think she checked with SoCal Edison to see if they can produce that much additional power? Because I can tell you right now, they can’t. That’s a tremendous amount of electricity they are talking about. Maybe they’ll recharge all those vehicles with diesel generators.

  8. ^ Here’s my Kobayashi Maru prediction:

    Election steal #2 is successful, Harris/Walz assume office, the Olympics are cancelled as California is overrun and “Escape From LA” happens in front of our very eyes.

  9. The mayhem of the 2028 LA Olympics will be a epic. The highlights-illegals, vagrants, electric buses/no cars, incompetent local government, lots of crime, power outages, drag queens and queers, Jew-hating Antifa, BLM, Palestine protests. Too many disasters to name.

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