Dem operative indicted over AI-generated robocalls featuring Joe Biden’s voice – IOTW Report

Dem operative indicted over AI-generated robocalls featuring Joe Biden’s voice

PM: A Democratic operative has been indicted after admitting that he crafted a deepfake robocall of President Joe Biden discouraging New Hampshire residents from voting when he was working for Democratic primary challenger Dean Phillips during the primaries. Steven Kramer earlier said that the call was to prove a point about AI in elections.  more here

4 Comments on Dem operative indicted over AI-generated robocalls featuring Joe Biden’s voice

  1. Seems fitting, although we have an AS in office now instead of an AI…

    Always Stupid…

    Instead of prison time or a fine, this numnuts will get his AI confiscated so it can be used for Presidential speeches

  2. The AP article I read never identified Kramer as a Democrat. They only identified the Democrat candidate he was working for in the final paragraph. “Democratic” only appears three times in the article, twice in the final paragraph. Subtle, but still editorial spin.

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