Dem Operatives: Potential 2020 Candidates ‘Hamstrung’ by Lack of Minority Staffers – IOTW Report

Dem Operatives: Potential 2020 Candidates ‘Hamstrung’ by Lack of Minority Staffers

WFB: Potential 2020 Democratic candidates are struggling to recruit minority staffers to help with their campaigns, a factor Democratic operatives say could severely limit success.

Emerging campaigns have been trying assemble minority campaign staffers, but there has been a shortage of capable Democratic operatives who fully understand the coalitions and how to work across racial and economic lines, despite the party’s base being increasingly diverse and young, according to Politico.

Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) have previously employed African Americans in senior leadership roles, so they could reactivate them in the future if they decide to run for office, giving them an advantage over emerging campaigns who are still compiling spreadsheets of potential minority staffers and strategizing about assembling diverse teams. Politico interviewed more than a dozen Democratic operatives and their consensus on the issue was there aren’t enough seasoned minority operatives to join the campaigns.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. If you don’t have any people of color on your national team or if you don’t have them in those early states … you’re going to be hamstrung,” said Jamal Simmons, a seasoned Democratic operative who has served as an adviser for multiple Democratic presidential candidates.  more here

9 Comments on Dem Operatives: Potential 2020 Candidates ‘Hamstrung’ by Lack of Minority Staffers

  1. The democratic party’s whole theme is based on convincing the general public that the minorities are taking control of the entire U.S. This is to depress the white majority and to convince them everything they believe in is wrong and we’ve been a terrible repressive country.
    They are at war for dominance and the complete destruction of the republic is a price they’re willing to pay.

  2. “Compiling spreadsheets of potential minority staffers”? Is that anything like having “binders full of women”?

    …if so, I thought that was a BAD thing, by their own rules…

  3. Yippee, Affirmative Action on ‘roids. I’d like to be a fly on the wall as they weed thru resumes trying to find qualified hires, although staffers just have to be a tad smarter than the Rep/Senator, so there’s that.

    It’ll be a race to the bottom to see which candidate hires the first black trannie.

    Btw, anyone ever noticed Corey Booker’s staffer sitting behind him in hrgs? She looks to be straight from the Amazon Rainforest, and perpetually pissed off.


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