Dem Party Leader Lets Veil Slip and Tells Blacks What the Rest of the Party Really Thinks of Them – IOTW Report

Dem Party Leader Lets Veil Slip and Tells Blacks What the Rest of the Party Really Thinks of Them

When they aren’t using blacks as pawns, shields and votes, white democrats will sometimes harken back to their roots and let their inner slave master show.

Free Beacon-

Florida Democratic Party chairman Stephen Bittel is considering resigning following backlash from racially charged comments he made toward members of the legislative black caucus.

The tension started at a Saturday fundraiser for the Florida Democratic Party, the Miami Herald reports. Bittel shortened the program by removing a segment in which state legislators would be recognized.

Bittel referred to the anger from lawmakers over the snub as “childish.” Bittel also said State Sen. Oscar Braynon (D.), a black legislator who expressed lawmakers’ unhappiness to the chairman, was acting “like a three year old.”

“They’re like children, these black lawmakers. They just don’t get it,” Bittel said. “I raised more money in this amount of time than they ever could.”

Bittel made matters worse for himself by initially accusing the African-American lawmakers of “playing the race card” once they took offense, Politico reports.


23 Comments on Dem Party Leader Lets Veil Slip and Tells Blacks What the Rest of the Party Really Thinks of Them

  1. @geoff the aardvark:
    I had the same thought. This is a great article about “Roots” that appeared after the remake of this fiction— .

  2. This is why “Freedom of Speech” is so very important.
    Talk some more!
    Stepped on your cock there, didn’t ya?
    Talk some more … all of ya …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This will ONLY “make a difference” once more blacks start leaving the Democrats and JOINING our side.

    Otherwise, he’s just
    Speaking Truth to EBT-Power.

  4. Hell, LBJ let that veil slip 50 years ago, but nobody seemed to care. “I’ll have those niggers voting democrat for 100 years” -LBJ (after signing the 1965 civil rights act)

  5. Just don’t send the childish ones over to the conservatives! I would hate to see the Right’s policy platforms co-opted by so-called “black culture”, the requirements of fake history, or the chronic “trauma” of long-dead ancestors. My people came here in the holds of ships, too. Some didn’t make it, either. Some were horribly discriminated against. I can’t imagine living my entire life shamefully blaming my failures on conditions that existed nearly 200 years ago!

  6. Read the whole article. It ends with the white woman from Idaho hired to be the Democrat Party (Florida) Director for Communications saying:

    “My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, ‘oh, no, I’m not prejudiced. I’m a Democrat. I’m accepting,’” Brown said. “We have to teach them how to communicate, how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they are white.”

    The State GOP can destroy these assholes anytime they want.

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