Dem Politician Worried His Constituency Will Fall For Deep Fake Videos – Wants To Make Them Illegal – IOTW Report

Dem Politician Worried His Constituency Will Fall For Deep Fake Videos – Wants To Make Them Illegal

If, magically, only lefties could make deep fake videos to ratf*ck the right, do you think any dem would GAS them?

I doubt it.

It’s why they want to give felons the right to vote and open up our borders. Whatever helps them is a-okay.


A California lawmaker is proposing to restrict the sharing of manipulated videos depicting politicians amid mounting concerns that increasingly convincing “deep fakes” could give rise to misinformation in the approaching 2020 election.

But as policy makers grapple with an emerging technology, proposals to regulate videos have spurred debate about free speech and the government’s role in regulating political discourse.

Assemblyman Marc Berman, a Democrat from Palo Alto, Calif., has proposed a law barring anyone from distributing audio or video of a candidate they know is altered to mislead voters, unless the material includes a disclaimer that is was manipulated.

The proposed law would only apply to the 60 days before an election. A candidate depicted in a “deep fake” could take a person spreading the offending material to court.

Assembly Bill 730, he told a Senate committee on Tuesday, is not meant to stop anyone from saying anything they want.

But, he added: “Somebody doesn’t have the right to put their words in my mouth.”


ht/ jd hasty

5 Comments on Dem Politician Worried His Constituency Will Fall For Deep Fake Videos – Wants To Make Them Illegal

  1. Back in the day, Palo Alto use to be home of Africa USA amusement park. Africa USA was just getting through town to the park. How racist. It was a huge joke back then. They had to move the park because it was to dangerous getting there. They moved it to Concord and renamed it Marine World.

  2. I’m watching this site like a hawk with eyeglasses.

    If anyone even THINKS of making fun of me by putting words…or dookie…in my mouth, I will SUES THEM right into prison. Like my hero, Adolph Hitler.


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