Dem Rep. John Yarmuth says aspects of Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal ‘totally impossible’ – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. John Yarmuth says aspects of Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal ‘totally impossible’

WaTimes: Rep. John Yarmuth, the new chairman of the House Budget Committee, criticized some climate change proposals by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as being too ambitious.

“The idea of, for instance, making every structure in the United States environmentally feasible is probably something that is totally impossible to do,” the Kentucky Democrat said Friday on Hill.TV’s “Rising.”

“I mean it would be wonderful if you could do that, but nobody could afford that, so I’m not sure what purpose that would serve,” he added.  MORE

12 Comments on Dem Rep. John Yarmuth says aspects of Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal ‘totally impossible’

  1. ““I mean it would be wonderful if you could do that, but nobody could afford that, so I’m not sure what purpose that would serve,”

    Aw come on, don’t be coy with us. Like we don’t know what you communists want.

  2. “Dem Rep. John Yarmuth says aspects of Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal ‘totally impossible’”

    …well, thanks for stating the obvious there, Rep. Yarmuth of the Evil Party, but I would argue that the word “Aspects” is unnecessary there, since the whole THING is totally impossible.

    It’s just NOT gonna happen. DOA at the Senate. DOA at the White House. DOA at the Supreme Court.

    And just obviously stupid to the wider world.

    …keep hanging on to that “aspects” thing there though, Johnny. I’m sure the totalitarian aspects of it appeal to the Democrat in YOU…

  3. AOC’s a goddamn waste of taxpayer money… not to mention oxygen. Like Senator BHO, when she tries to run for President, it will be time to turn out the lights America.

  4. Rep. occipital missing cortex
    must have a degree in a underwater basket weaving,
    She does not know what a damn thing about real-world economics.


  5. O.k., I’m on board with AOC, and in thinking out of the box have a proposal that is worth implementing. I’ve noticed a lot of offices are automating and there are fewer receptionist, file clerk and secretarial positions available. So we force businesses to rehire those people, and pay them at least $15 an hour to pedal electricity generating stationary bicycles which will replace fossil fuel generated electrical power.

    Think of the benefits. More people have jobs that cannot be replaced by automation. We would be tackling the obesity problem, and the cardio conditioning would result in lower medical costs. Green (or, at the end of a shift, probably red) energy in maybe abundant quantities. No rolling blackouts unless the human energy generators (“HEGs”) black out. We could even require able-bodied, or kind of able-bodied welfare recipients and illegal aliens to pedal for several months until they find alternative employment or die of exhaustion.

    Next on my agenda: a plan to power cargo ships with banks of rowers like the Roman triremes. No need to thank me now – it’s all “forward into the past” for me.

  6. “It’s only radicals that create lasting change in America.” – AOC

    I assume she means things such as…

    feminism, socialism, communism, black radicalism, the New Left, Occupy Wall Street, and Black Lives Matter.

    ..they may have changed America, but the thing is I can’t feasible deduce what good things have come from those radicals. Maybe she can fill me in.

  7. While it’s fun to make fun of her, there is a much larger problem here. She got elected to Congress. That, to me is a very big problem, indeed. Another reason to keep the borders open: dumb voters. I think this country is in trouble.

  8. There are a couple of cancerous tumors now in Congress. Their swearing-in shows that the wording of the Oath means zilch and the Bible is strictly optional.

    Why would we let enemies of the United States get a foothold of control in government?

    As Tiny Tim said last month at Christmas, “America, God save you, everyone.”


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