Dem Rep Who Called for Trump’s Impeachment Denies Calling for Trump’s Impeachment – IOTW Report

Dem Rep Who Called for Trump’s Impeachment Denies Calling for Trump’s Impeachment

WFB: Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.) appeared on MSNBC Monday to talk about a bill he proposed that would establish a commission determining whether the president is fit for office.

Raskin denied the bill had to do with President Donald Trump, even though Raskin has called for his impeachment before.

“It’s not a body devoted to looking at Donald Trump’s fitness for office,” Raskin said.

MSNBC anchor Katy Tur had a follow-up, however.

“Here’s the thing, congressman. You want to impeach this president. You’ve said so,” Tur said.

“No, I haven’t—when did I say that?” Raskin asked, clearly flustered.

“You’ve said you wanted to impeach the president,” Tur reiterated before reading off examples.  MORE

22 Comments on Dem Rep Who Called for Trump’s Impeachment Denies Calling for Trump’s Impeachment

  1. Do Democrats (and liberals in general) forget that video tape and digital recording has been invented and we have visual proof that they have said the things they later deny saying?

    “Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?”

  2. The contempt the D’s have for their voters is mind-boggling. He’s lying and he knows he’s lying because he honestly thinks that the people watching him while he’s lying are just plain stupid.

  3. Unhihged dems would be wise to tone it down. Americans are liking what President Trump is doing. How do I know? Libs I have to tolerate no longer attacking him, no longer defending arch felon Hillary or treasonous gay Kenyan commie.

  4. They lie because they justifiably trust the media ,which they know is on their team, to have their back and not call them on it.

    This is the danger of having a media which is overwhelmingly populated by political activists of one and only one ideological view.

    I’ve maintained that for some time now, the media is actually the core and nerve center of the contemporary left and the Democrat party is just the nuts-and-bolts office holding operation.

  5. If the Dems are willing to use actual standards that can me measured like a senility test, reading and comprehension set to 12th grade as the minim pass, IQ test set to 100 (that would be just average mind you) as the minimum pass score then I’ll see your commission on whether the POTUS is fit and raise you the entire House and Senate.

    Further more I’ll raise you the same level testing to hold elected office for every citizen to vote- pass that and I am all in. The Dems would never win an election, state or federal for the rest of time.

  6. Pelopidas; They would just use cheat sheets given to them by the media or the deep state and we’d still be stuck with them. Or they will use their old fall back plan and just exempt themselves.

  7. @Horrorman…You nailed it my friend!

    “Why does just about every dem look like their parents lost a bet with God?”

    There are very, very few democRATs that don’t look like some creature feature makeup job performed by a drunk. I can only think of maybe less than a half dozen that can pass for human. That Chick Tulsi from Hawaii makes the cut but I’m having trouble after that.

  8. Paul Joseph Watson has a new video that has this guy in it. He says this guy looks like a mental patient that just escaped from a straight jacket. A very good video where he calls out all the crazy people who are accusing PDJT of being crazy.

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