Dem Senator Joe Manchin Doesn’t Rule Out Becoming Independent – IOTW Report

Dem Senator Joe Manchin Doesn’t Rule Out Becoming Independent

GP: The Democrats could soon lose another senator.

After Arizona Senator Sinema changed her registration from Democrat to Independent, people are asking West Virginia Senator Manchin if he’ll do the same.

CNN’s Manu Raju reported:

Just asked Joe Manchin if he may become an independent like Sinema did. “I’ll look at all of these things. I’ve always looked at all those things but I have no intention of doing anything right now. Whether I do something later, I can’t tell you what the future is going to bring”

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Manchin: “I’m not a Washington Democrat. I don’t know what else to tell you. … And if a Washington independent is — we’ll see what happens there. We’ll have to look. People are registering more for independent than any other party affiliation, they are sick and tired of it.”


6 Comments on Dem Senator Joe Manchin Doesn’t Rule Out Becoming Independent

  1. The only question that would matter is whether he would caucus with Dems or with GOP. And control of the Senate – and of every committee – literally lies in the hands of any Dem who would switch.

  2. We can personally thank this douche nozzle for the new 87K IRS agents looking at your $601.00 venmo transactions. He can register as an independent but it wont change the fact he’s a treasonous snake.


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