Dem Senator Kyrsten Sinema Declares Herself an Independent – IOTW Report

Dem Senator Kyrsten Sinema Declares Herself an Independent

Fox News

Sinema made the announcement Friday by publishing an op-ed in the Arizona Republic. The senator cited increasingly partisan interests and radicalization of both political parties as the reason for her departure. More

17 Comments on Dem Senator Kyrsten Sinema Declares Herself an Independent

  1. I asked this question on another site as well: I know she’ll probably vote with the dems, but technically doesn’t this give the GOP the majority in the seanate?
    This means, there are 49 GOP, 48 dems, and 3 ind

  2. As Uncle Al notes, caucusing is the big question.
    Current Senate is 48 Dem, 2 Ind, 50 GOP prior to Sinema change. Now 47/3/50. But the other 2 caucused with Dem 100%.
    New Senate will be 48 Dem, 3 Ind, 49 GOP. So who will Sinema caucus with? And will Manchin change his stripes? A swing of one would be huge, since we happen to be very close to even – would dramatically alter power in every single committee.

  3. What a steaming load of publicity grabbing Bullshit by this commie death democrat. This whack job stench pot will vote lockstep with her fellow commies in the Senate whenever it will further destroy our country.

    Nothing to see, move on.


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