Dem strategists: Biden ‘late to the party’ for 2016 – IOTW Report

Dem strategists: Biden ‘late to the party’ for 2016

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Democrats, may have a lot of affection for Vice President Joe Biden but if he enters the 2016 presidential contest now, he’ll find himself a day late and a dollar short, party strategists say.


8 Comments on Dem strategists: Biden ‘late to the party’ for 2016

  1. “late to the party”?

    is that like “the elevator not going all the way to the top”?
    a “few bricks short of a load”?
    the “lights are on but nobody’s home”?

  2. Those Democratic Strategists are working for the Clinton camp right now. Of course that will change if Biden enters, Obama backs him and Clinton keeps being stuck in the Tar Baby of her private server emails.

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