Dem SuperPAC Abandons Ohio – IOTW Report

Dem SuperPAC Abandons Ohio

Fox News

A top Democratic super PAC that spent $133 million in support of Hillary Clinton in 2016 said it no longer considers Ohio a target state for the 2020 presidential election, as it looks to align with an increasingly socialist Democratic Party.

In a memo, Priorities USA, a moneyed super PAC that supported both President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign and Clinton’s 2016 run for the White House, downgraded Ohio’s importance and labeled the state a “GOP Watch,” along with states such as Texas and Iowa.

The PAC now sees Ohio as less likely to flip than other swing states, such as Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and even traditionally red states like Georgia and Arizona, according to


3 Comments on Dem SuperPAC Abandons Ohio

  1. BS ! And Hillary is innocent and the check is in the mail.

    They’ll dump the money into Ohio Precincts, Unions, inner cities, robo calls, phone banks and every Radical Socialist Organization like they always do.


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