Dem: Trump foreign record ‘pretty incredible’ in hindsight – IOTW Report

Dem: Trump foreign record ‘pretty incredible’ in hindsight

JTN – Amid ongoing chaos in the Middle East and American involvement in multiple conflicts on the global stage, one Democratic billionaire is reevaluating the Trump administration’s tenure, which notably saw the U.S. enter into no new major wars.

Former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya, a Democrat who increasingly leans toward the political right, said that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” has prevented people from honestly evaluation the administration in a recent episode of the All-In Podcast.

“What those guys did was pretty incredible, in hindsight,” he said. “To really be able to, like, find long-lasting peace is just a real example for the world.” more here

7 Comments on Dem: Trump foreign record ‘pretty incredible’ in hindsight

  1. Even with Antifa and BLM (CHAZ, riots and looting), under Trump we had four years of reasonable foreign policy (standing by our allies and being firm with our enemies), a booming economy, corporate money coming BACK to America, and last but not least, a feeling that the country was going to grow again and pull out of the Obama years (and not just economically).

    Now look at us.

  2. I have always been dismissive of people who had to actually experience the fallout of what they advocate for before they can appreciate the severity of what they are for or against. With regard to the middle East, the record is pretty clear where policies advocated by Democrat and Bush Republican politicians lead… every time they are given a chance to implement them. The history is well documented and available to anyone who wants to make an informed decision, unfortunately way too many idiots go with their emotions and throw history and caution to the wind.

  3. nunyo, just so you know, this is a parody. If you watch the full length video, somewhere in the middle, Jack tells you why he created it. It’s actually not too far from reality.

  4. One of the few Liberal Dipshitz who finally realize the damage done by this National Socialist administration!
    Slooooo Learners one and all! Some are slightly quicker on the uptake than most!

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