Dementia Joe Becoming Mean Joe – IOTW Report

Dementia Joe Becoming Mean Joe


President Joe Biden has again been accused of delivering angry, abusive outbursts against his own staff when behind closed doors, a report Monday details.

Axios reporter Alex Thompson laid out the accusations in a piece headlined — “Old yeller: Biden’s private fury.”

The story makes the point Biden likes to portray himself as a kindly figure given to eating ice cream and chatting to small children in public but in private he is reportedly prone to yelling invective. More

16 Comments on Dementia Joe Becoming Mean Joe

  1. “And if a single one of my staff fails to treat anyone with the respect deserve they will be gone the next day, my word as a Biden”…

    Which means exactly shit nada bumpkis you degenerate child fucker. The sooner the syphilis in your rotten pedophilic brain takes you the better.

    You are getting closer to judgment every day you shuffling corpse, just die from natural causes already you sick goon, the imbecilic commie cunt would less evil than you and she screams at her staff also because you are both hypocritical garbage scum inside the dumpster of filth know as the Demonrat party.

  2. His demeanor is regularly angry, his outbursts trying to be the tough guy, but way past angry get off my lawn guy.

    When he was younger it was petulance and hubris. He was an angry entitled elitist when he was a young man. Now he’s the older version.


  3. Wild Bill, ditto. They try to make “Old Man Shouts At Cloud” into some sort of tough guy, but everybody knows Joe is decrepit, cranky and confused.

    I remember all of the pathetic media attempts to turn the effete fruit Obama into a badass, especially that pic of him on the phone negotiatin’, with a baseball bat in his hand. What a joke. Hey media…If you have to tell us repeatedly what a fearsome fellow he is, he’s probably a malleable lightweight.

  4. The anger and even physical violence will get worse and more frequent as he slips further into dementia. When my mother’s dementia worsened she became even more verbally and physically abusive. She was this way with family and later in life it extended to others especially her care takers.

  5. Unfortunately, Joe never learned to ALWAYS be nice, friendly. humble, loving and/or courteous to EVERY SINGLE SOUL he will ever meet and know during his entire lifetime upon this Earth (especially if was a President of a Country)…

    Because, it will all add up, during and at his end, multiplied by the number of souls he had affected, either with love or hatred.

    Would not suggest being anywhere nearby when his time grows near, as he may take you along with him…especially if you chose Democrat.

  6. Never see the Bulger-Biden connection mentioned in media. Kindly old uncle Joe wouldn’t stick an ice pick in anyone’s eye! He’d have Whitey do it and Michael cover it. Temper? None to be found in the rotten old worm. Just a kindly old pedophile abusing his latest victim while taking in ten percent, for the big guy. We’re so fortunate to have him, run by 0bama and the communists, as preezy.

  7. #Eugenia
    My Mom was the same.
    Especially later in the day when she got tired.
    The staff at the home called it “Sundown Syndrome” because as they get frustrated with themselves for not being able to understand what is going on with their life.
    When doddering old Joe was campaigning from his basement, I identified his dementia just by looking at his eyes and watching his movements.
    Scary to think this empty shell of a person is the leader of the free world.

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