Democracy Spring – The New Occupy – Planning Massive Riots In Protest of Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Democracy Spring – The New Occupy – Planning Massive Riots In Protest of Donald Trump


The operation, calling itself Democracy Spring, is threatening “drama in Washington” with the “largest civil disobedience action of the century.” The radicals believe this will result in the arrest of thousands of their own activists.

“We will demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy. And we won’t leave until they do — or until they send thousands of us to jail,” the website for Democracy Spring declares, channeling rhetoric from the Occupy movement.

The group is backed by numerous organizations, including the George Soros-funded groups, the Institute for Policy Studies, and Demos. has been playing a prominent role in organizing anti-Trump activism, including last weekend’s shutdown of the billionaire’s rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion.

Another group endorsing Democracy Spring is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The DSA’s Chicago branch drove protesters to last weekend’s nixed Chicago Trump event, as this reporter exposed.

The AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor federation, announced in a press release earlier this month it is “all in behind Democracy Spring,” perhaps indicating significant mobilization.

Next month’s Democracy Spring chaos is set to begin with a meetup on April 2 at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.

“Then, in the spirit of Granny D, the Selma to Montgomery marchers, Cesar Chavez and the farmworker pilgrimage, and others who walked for freedom, we will set out on a 10 day, 140-mile march from Philadelphia to the Nation’s Capitol,” states the website.

In Washington DC, Democracy Spring expects “thousands of Americans” to engage in a “sit-in on the Capitol building in Washington DC in what will be the largest civil disobedience action of the century.”

What do the radicals claim to want?


27 Comments on Democracy Spring – The New Occupy – Planning Massive Riots In Protest of Donald Trump

  1. “We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.

    We will maintain an attitude of openness and respect toward all we encounter in our actions.

    We will not destroy or damage any property.

    We will carry no weapons or any means of physical defense, including shields.

    We will not wear masks or otherwise conceal our faces or identities.

    We will exercise personal and collective responsibility to ensure that all participants adhere to this agreement.”

    So its the TEA Party?

  2. Is this the ‘riots’ Trump is calling for if the nomination is not given him, whether he earns it or not?
    There aren’t many coincidences in politics, and Soros and Trump go way back.

  3. If the past is prologue, the socialists will behave well except for a small cadre of thugs who will do violence anonymously, using the greater mass of useful idiots as their shields. And blame the cops for the incitements.

    This is their modus operandi. From the beginning with “bread” riots in Russia in 1905 to the National Socialist Brownshirts to the Occupy Wallstreet Movement.

    The Storm Troopers will be in their glory.

  4. We will demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy.

    1. Congress listens to people all day every day. The people who give them money and power, anyway.

    2. “The People” includes individuals who think this idea of yours stinks, and I think they outnumber you. What was that about “democracy” again?

    3. And about “our democracy” – just which one of those are you talking about? We don’t have one here in the US, of course, we have a constitutional republic. Oh, sorry. That’s not something you’re intellectually equipped to comprehend.


  5. First, these socialist assholes need to remember (or have it remembered upon their pointy little heads) that this country was founded as, and is supposed to be, a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY.

    I just HAVE to go find and buy a set of zytel knuckles, to be able to get them past any magnetic gates at whatever public gatherings may be in the near future. Can never be too well prepared against these brownshirt (and I ain’t talkin’ Cpt Reynolds “Serenity) fascist thugs.

  6. ““We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.

    We will maintain an attitude of openness and respect toward all we encounter in our actions..blah blah blah.”

    Brought to you from the same people who started with uptwinkles and ended with public defecation, rape tests, drug deals and murder. Right?

  7. Annie
    March 16, 2016 at 8:18 pm

    I like a couple of wrapped Quarters in an old athletic sock.
    packs a pretty good wallop in a pinch.Nice an Hefty.

    And you can buy some beer afterwards and play “quarters” with your friends. I’m thinking you meant “wrapped rolls of quarters” not two quarters wrapped in a gift box or like a fish.

    (For the classier readers: quarters is a game of bouncing a quarter off the table and into a glass. Rules and rewards vary. Make up your own and you can’t go wrong.)

  8. Where is all of this hate coming from? These people are asking congress to consider banning corporate donations to political campaigns — they are not endorsing any candidate, or rioting in any way.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders is not a national socialist, btw. He’s not even a “real” democratic socialist.

    Neither is the US either a pure republic or a pure democracy. We are a democratic republic.

    Why would a group of people insisting that corporate interests not be given authority over what is better for the vast majority of people raise such ire?

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