Democracy vs Constitutional Republic – IOTW Report

Democracy vs Constitutional Republic

In a short 1 minute, 26 second video.

15 Comments on Democracy vs Constitutional Republic

  1. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
    And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands

    A democracy is two foxes and a chicken voting on what’s for dinner.

  2. I’ve posted that video a couple of times here at iOYWr. It’s a favorite of mine and it makes me proud to be an American. This video should be required viewing in every school district in The United States from first grade to high school in required civics classes. Then by the time these students are in college, they are solid American patriotic citizens (illegals are not included) standing strong with their country.

    Hopefully, in the future, God in His mercy and grace will release our nation from the Satanic grip on the culture and government. Then, we as a nation will be able to appreciate and be greatful for the awesome freedoms of our Constitutional Republic once again.

  3. You have a Constitutional Republic until a bunch of scumbag maoists show up, like Lincoln, FDR, Carter, Obama, The Bushes, O’biden, etc…

  4. The leftists are calling it a democracy to dumb down the citizenry to convince them the electoral college is unnecessary.
    That way they can make the country over.

  5. You guys would never be admitted to worship in Pelosi’s sacred “Temple of Democracy” !

    Forget “term limits”, it’s has long been time for trials for Treason.

  6. Is there another video source for this? Like YouTube or Rumble? I’d love to share it around but sharing a Twitter post is sometimes problematic depending on the forum.Looking at you Facebook.


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