Democrat Administration Finds Yet Another Excuse – IOTW Report

Democrat Administration Finds Yet Another Excuse


In their continuing attempt to shift blame away from their awful ideology and undermine the incoming administration, the left is using the CIA to support their earlier claims that it was the Russians that cost Hillary the election.


They seem to think this puts Congressional Republicans in a bad spot when their Democrat colleagues call for investigations.  I hope they do investigate why the Democrats did such a poor job of protecting their own e-mails while Hillary was able to permanently delete tens of thousands of communications before anyone had a chance to read them from her private server.



16 Comments on Democrat Administration Finds Yet Another Excuse

  1. Propaganda or fake news….call it what you will.

    The truth is that every federal agency has been infiltrated by Clinton and Obama appointees who are now ingrained into the system.
    National security is a distant third to progressive political ideology and agenda.

  2. 43 Days, peeps! 43 days!! All this Fake News BS will be in the rear view mirror — along with Lynch, Comey and the rest of the zoo.

    The work products will already be on the new President’s desk for signing and we’re going to rock this country.

  3. Again, the libs grab onto a sanctioned soundbite/term and EVERYONE over uses it until it becomes so obvious that they are puppets vomitting the official script, and whoosh, there goes another ounce of creditability.

    I hope the last straw grasping, in hopes of turning the wicked witch into a president, is coming to an end. It is like hearing fingernails on a chalkboard, as they sink into hell.

    When it’s all over, the soulless liberal zombies wandering aimlessly around will be like a plague of dead fish and as stinky.


    You hear that? Liberal heads all over the planet are exploding over the news that CEO of Exxon-Mobile, Vladimir Putin Medal of Friendship winner Rex Tillerson will be Trump’s Secretary of State!

  5. Now if Obugger came out with the news that American agents had influenced the Russian elections in a manner that suited American interests, why … the press would please themselves right in their pantsuits. The accolades to Obama would never cease, songs would be written and praises immortalized in bronze.

    Perhaps the Rooskies did hack some Democratics, perhaps not. But no one is accusing them of lying about the data and emails. No ma’am, once again the dems are spitting mad ’cause they got caught lying and cheating and just being assholes.

  6. I see what is happening. First, all the MSM went #FakeNews. Next, the said Russia planted the fake news and the MSM was all over it selling it absolute proof. Now they say Russia and Putin hacked the election, and all the lefty sites are covering it. I’ve been reading comments on lefty sites all day, and now many, many commentors are saying that the Electoral College was put in place to stop foreign powers from stealing our election. How long before the MSM runs with the stories that the EC must elect someone other than Trump to stop Putin? The news that Tillerson will be SoS is rapidly fueling that angle. This is a planned attack by the real #FakeNews, the Main Stream Media, and the democrats they serve!

  7. I would think that Putin would actually back Hillary Clinton. She wants to disarm Americans, her foreign policy while Secretary of State was puzzling at best, her economic policy seems designed to hamstring the US economy, her immigration policy would allow terrorists easier access into this country, she would have continued the decline of the US military, she continually criticizes law enforcement, and Democrats are known for pitting special interest group against special interest group. She is doing yeoman’s work destabilizing this nation that the Russians could only dream about.

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