Democrat Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of Covid Funds to Buy Rolls Royce and 10-Carat Diamond Ring – IOTW Report

Democrat Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of Covid Funds to Buy Rolls Royce and 10-Carat Diamond Ring


As previously reported, a federal jury in the Northern District of Georgia has convicted a Georgia attorney and former City of Atlanta police officer of fraudulently obtaining approximately $15 million in loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

The former Atlanta prosecutor used the Covid money to fund a lavish lifestyle, which included the purchase of a Rolls-Royce and a 10-carat diamond ring for $148,000, as well as significant money transfers to her relatives and accomplice.

Shelitha Robertson, 62, of Atlanta was found guilty of multiple counts of fraud, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud itself, and money laundering in December. more

30 Comments on Democrat Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of Covid Funds to Buy Rolls Royce and 10-Carat Diamond Ring

  1. Moron was a former cop and an attorney and didn’t know how to hide ill gotten gains??? Everyday it occurs to me I could have been a top notch lawyer because so many of them are proven to be low IQ idiots.
    Unless he thought his skin color and or democrat credentials where enough to keep him out of jail.

  2. “Why are so many Democrat black females so corrupt?”

    I think we need a new descriptive adjective. “Ghetto Black”.
    I propose this because I’m seeing a real uptick in conservative, responsible, blacks.

  3. “Shelitha”… ‘nuf said… fkn Ns. The oligarchy puts immoral, stupid Ns in positions of power to just to laugh at the damage they cause to the little people of no importance. The Roman ruling class had the Colosseum to witness their sadistic spectacles. Our ruling class has the entire world as their Colosseum. They are truly insane with power and sadism.

  4. There is NO WAY there could have ever been election fraud in the swing state of GA. There are such upstanding, law-abiding fine folks! Pshaw!!

    (remember when their school boards were charged with falsifying illiterate students’ scores so they wouldn’t lose their pay raises?)

  5. The south was NOT better when it was a “good ‘ole white boy’s club,” but now that blacks have taken over nearly all the political positions, the tribal crap of stealing to fill your family’s bank accounts has gone insane. There is likely not ONE SINGLE honest politician in the entire south. Certainly NOT in the Metro Atlanta area.


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