Democrat Blames Foreigners For Causing 1 in 5 American Kids to Have Favorable View of bin Laden – IOTW Report

Democrat Blames Foreigners For Causing 1 in 5 American Kids to Have Favorable View of bin Laden

Really? Foreigners are responsible for the fact that kids do not have clarity on who the bad guys were on 9/11?

I hear a lot of American adults who have taught the kids that it was Bush, Silverstein, Jews, the FDNY, and anyone but bin Laden.


28 Comments on Democrat Blames Foreigners For Causing 1 in 5 American Kids to Have Favorable View of bin Laden

  1. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Mossad, the CIA, and others WERE responsible…not some bearded clown hiding in Pakistani caves. And bin Laden only had what he had because of the CIA, etc and the giant MIC profit machine operating in the region.. When you commit atrocities on the scale of 9-11, you HAVE TO blame and then demonize a new “Hitler.” Works the same everywhere.

  2. Silverstein said “pull it.” Apparently he was in cahoots with the FDNY. Those are the same people that went into burning buildings that “they knew were wired with explosives.”


    I can’t blame kids for being easily manipulated into thinking certain things. It’s not a “kids-only” phenomenon.

  3. “Fire can’t melt steel.”

    Many things wrong with that.

    First off, yes it can. It’s how you make steel.

    Secondly, the steel didn’t have to be “melted.” It only needed to be weakened. And it was.

    As for BUILDING 7!!!!! No one, and I mean NO ONE, that believes Building 7 was exploded can answer me when I point out that to get to exploding building 7 you must have it catch on fire. And the plan “they” had to have it catch on fire was to fly planes into the twin towers, have the fireballs drop molten debris on building 7 to run cover for wanting it to be blown up. That is some plan. It’s not embarrassing to believe this? What happens if Building 7 DOESN’T catch on fire? Now they have a building filled with explosives and no cover story to blow it up. AWKWARD!

  4. What your average idiot doesn’t understand about that fire, plenty of fuel, plenty of air, and a big damn chimney, the Towers themselves. One big hollow tube. I’m no expert, but I’ll bet that fire achieved temps equal to any smelting furnace.

  5. Several THOUSAND Architects and Engineers (and millions of Americans) do NOT agree with the government’s “official” story. Not sure why anyone would. Governments LIE (and murder and steal), and the MIC, the US government (and its middle east ‘friend’) benefited the MOST from their official story.

  6. Several THOUSAND Architects and Engineers>>>>

    Naaa. The actual number is 1 in 700 architects and engineers. You sound like the left when they overstate the amount of scientists who say man-made global warming is upon us.

    I must note that you didn’t address any of my points about the absurdity of explosives being wired up in all of the buildings, particularly Building 7. Their plan is idiotic and makes no sense whatsoever. Before you jump to Z, you must address A and B. You can’t start with a belief and ignore everything to get to the outcome you want. You aren’t stating facts, you’re stating feelings.

  7. WTC 7 is my FAVORITE conspiracy of all.
    Bar none!

    I can just hear the Bush/Cheney cabal during a pre 9/11 planning meeting:
    “If we take down both towers it still won’t be enough.
    We have to implode WTC 7, a building 99.99999999% of the planet has NEVER HEARD OF, and don’t even know it exists, yet THAT will be the coup de grâce.”


    I think the fact that it was constructed in the same way as the towers, having parts of flaming 767 landing gear, engines, etc, plus the fact that they let it burn for eight hours before it collapsed MAY, just maybe have something to do with it.

  8. The part that is ludicrous is that flaming material did land on it and set it on fire… but that HAD TO HAPPEN in order to later blow it up with all the explosives they wired it up with.

    What if no debris fell on it? Then what?

    They blow up a building that isn’t on fire?

    You have to deconstruct, working backwards, what had to have happened for this idiotic “plan” to have actually taken place.

    It’s very similar to the comedy videos you see where a ridiculous football play happens, and then they show a whiteboard of the coach drawing it up as if the events you just witnessed were planned.

    Kind of funny with a football game video. Not so funny when you run 9/11 in reverse and claim it was all drawn up beforehand.

  9. I might be getting cynical in my 60+ years, but I don’t believe much of anything that “experts” try to convince me of anymore. I’m inclined to believe any government explanation on any subject is more lies than truth.

  10. Us engineers knew exactly what the plan was 24hrs after it happened as we discussed it.
    It was obvious that the intension was to dump a full load of Jet A into the building to cause maximum damage.

  11. Brad – did it NEVER seem odd to you that ALL of the debris was quickly put on container ships and shipped to China for “recycling?” It sure seemed odd to all the forensic experts that considered “ground zero” to be a crime scene. What amazes me most is the inherent belief in all of it that our government just couldn’t be this calculating or this evil, when Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Tuskeegee experiments, MKUltra, Operation Gladdio, Operation Northwoods, and so many more have ALL been exposed as having the US government’s hands ALL over them in one way or another. Or worse, that the obvious incompetence of Bush and Cheney meant that THEY couldn’t have planned it, so therefore it couldn’t have happened. As if they we necessary for the execution of the plan, rather than simply being the facilitators from the Oval Office.

  12. MrLiberty

    They have chunks of that debris on display all over America. I’m not arguing who was behind it. Our CIA has got to be the most evil organization in existence. But explosive would be way to hard to cover up. In my opinion.

  13. MrLiberty

    I should add, at about the same time 9-11 occurred we were machining parts for a company that was building “sniffers”. You could fart across town and they could tell you what you had for breakfast. Down wind. That’s what I base my opinion on and explosive residue lingers. For like ever. It almost has to be removed.
    We will never know the truth behind 9-11 or Las Vegas.

  14. “We will never know the truth behind 9-11”
    Nope, we know the truth about 9/11.
    Years before Bin Laden called for a Fatwa against the USA.
    In 1993 the thought that a truck bomb would topple one tower into the other.

    GWB was 9 months into a presidency that was contested heavily.

    What the HELL would the motive be to kill thousands of innocent Americans?
    War? MONEY?

    Hell the Clinton, Obama, & biden* crime families showed that you can get insanely rich without killing innocent Americans.
    Sure, the Clintons kill individuals that get in their way but not thousands of innocent Americans.
    Yes, Bill did bomb an Aspirin factory but that was to cover up an Oval Office blow-job.

    How many people would go along with the conspiracy, simply for money?

    Good grief!
    Make it make sense!


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