Democrat Chairman of House Ways and Means Knew About Anti-Trump IRS Whistleblower SINCE JULY – IOTW Report

Democrat Chairman of House Ways and Means Knew About Anti-Trump IRS Whistleblower SINCE JULY


This is beginning to sound like a conspiracy involving Democrats and the Deep State. The intel community changed the rule that says a whistleblower must have direct knowledge of the actions when they file a whistleblower complaint. They changed it to allow rumor and innuendo or, lately, they can make up a complaint, then demand to remain anonymous. A second whistleblower complaint has been filed by a career official at the IRS, and once again, the person filing the complaint has no direct knowledge of wrongdoing. The complaint says a political appointee tried to interfere with an audit of Trump’s or Pence’s audit.

From The Gateway Pundit

The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Democrat Richard Neal, admitted that he received the “credible” complaint from the whistleblower at the end of July.

That same panel is trying to obtain President Trump’s tax returns.

Neal broke the report today.

Business Insider reported:

The complaint alleges “inappropriate efforts to influence” the agency’s audit of Trump’s tax returns, according to a court filing from the House Ways and Means Committee…


9 Comments on Democrat Chairman of House Ways and Means Knew About Anti-Trump IRS Whistleblower SINCE JULY

  1. Uh oh. At that juncture the “old rules” were in effect. So it was not a legitimate “whistleblower” complaint at that time and the complainant had no recourse to protections granted whistleblowers.

  2. Using the IRS to go after political enemies is acceptable.

    Questioning the use of the IRS to go after political enemies is reprehensible.

    I wonder how many Dems in Congress are being audited.

  3. This is the reason they changed the whistle blower requirements. They know Trumps going to win so they’re going to do everything in their power to make sure he can’t govern by putting him on the defensive with constant made up allegations.

  4. I believe vile Communist-Democrats would KILL to have Trump in their corner. And they’d kill for a Rush as their spokesman. And kill to have an IOTW site as their very own playground. Life is good…we can handle the occasional stumble.


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