Democrat-Controlled Chicago Spent $66 Million On A Coronavirus Facility That Treated 38 Patients—Total – IOTW Report

Democrat-Controlled Chicago Spent $66 Million On A Coronavirus Facility That Treated 38 Patients—Total

Daily Wire:

Chicago taxpayers spent $66 million renovating a convention center into an emergency coronavirus hospital that ended up only treating 38 patients. Further, the contract to renovate the facility went to a politically connected company instead of one that said it would waive fees or donate such money to coronavirus relief organizations.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported Friday that top aides to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the decision to spend $1.7 million per patient on the renovations, calling it an “insurance policy” for the unfounded fear that Chicago’s hospitals would be overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. Samir Mayekar, deputy mayor for economic and neighborhood development, told the outlet that he was “incredibly proud of” the converted facility, adding that the millions of dollars in taxpayer money was “not spent in vain.”

Taxpayers stuck with the bill may see things differently. The contract for the renovations was awarded to a politically connected company called Walsh Construction after a short search. more

12 Comments on Democrat-Controlled Chicago Spent $66 Million On A Coronavirus Facility That Treated 38 Patients—Total

  1. yeah, but just think of all the kick-back money that was spread around to re-elect all those demonrats that are doing such a great job!

    “… & you get a million, & you get a million, & you get a million ….”


    If you don’t understand democrats by now, I feel sorry for you. The whole operation is a scam from start to finish.

    1. Pack task forces, committees, community programs with KNOWN trusted democrat activists.

    2. Generate or allow a crisis to occur.

    3. Demand money to fix crisis.

    4. Steal everyone’s money.

    5. Give it to trusted party members.

    6. Skim a % off the top for the democrat’s re-election campaign.

    7. Repeat.

    ▶️ ◀️

    Every event, every bill, every dollar that leaves Washington travels a circuitous route right back into the wallet of the democrats. They are just better at politics than Republicans are, and the Republicans go along with this for the sake of not having to have a knock-down-drag-’em-out-fight every time, and the democrats want to fight.

  3. The media says that Covid 1984 is ravaging the USA.

    Are any of these facilities being used?

    I would really like to know.

  4. Follow the money.
    Arrest the Grifters.
    Execute the convicted.


    The politicals have been stealing like this for generations – vote “Other Peoples’ Money” to alleviate the effects of some hoax and see that the money is funneled to friends and cronies who donate some portion back to those who voted for it. Same way Union Pension Funds have been siphoned off to the point that they no longer exist and must be buttressed by nationalization.

    You don’t abandon a tried and true method.

    And that fish-eyed fool from Chicago is that city’s ringleader – though you can rest assured that Jarrett and Obola are getting their cuts.

    OH! I keep forgetting! The FBI is the “foremost law enforcement agency in the World” and is on top of it! Indictments any day now … any day … well … real soon …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well, slightly OT but I finally know someone who became ill for a week and tested positive for the wu-flu… He, his elderly parents and his two sons all tested positive and spent 3 to 5 days feeling weak, coughing and feverish. His wife on the other hand has experienced no symptoms and is refusing testing. IT’S STILL THE SEASONAL FLU!

    Oh! and since 75% of the funds used to “renovate” this convention center were federal, the rest of us absolutely did NOT vote for the representation in chiraq.

  6. I’m not surprised the Democrats rushed to pillage the feds and their own constituents for cash during this BS Covid-19 scam but what surprises me is that the Sun Times actually did some investigative reporting and printed the story. Being the optimist that I am I continue to hope that people in your country (and mine) will have the veil lifted from their eyes to see just how badly they have been fooled by the left over the last 50 years and how dangerous to basic freedoms the situation has become.


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