Democrat Controlled Congress Wasted $7.5 Billion on Nonexistent EV Chargers – IOTW Report

Democrat Controlled Congress Wasted $7.5 Billion on Nonexistent EV Chargers


Congress at the urging of the Biden administration agreed in 2021 to spend $7.5 billion to build tens of thousands of electric vehicle chargers across the country, aiming to appease anxious drivers while tackling climate change.

Two years later, the program has yet to install a single charger. More

16 Comments on Democrat Controlled Congress Wasted $7.5 Billion on Nonexistent EV Chargers

  1. EV’s, carbon neutral, green energy, climate change are all a farce but why would that matter to Congress as long as they can shovel our tax money into the pockets of their supporters? And get rich on kickbacks!!!! Both parties guilty as hell!!!

  2. Does “boondoggle” mean stolen taxpayer money?
    Cuz that taxpayer money was stolen – it didn’t evaporate – it didn’t disappear.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …Well,

    “The sluggish rollout could undermine President Joe Biden’s reelection messaging promoting electric vehicles.”
    …because THAT’S the most important reason to rob taxpayers of 7,500,000,000 dollars, the treasonous pedophile’s fraudulent campaign!

    “States and the charger industry blame the delays mostly on the labyrinth of new contracting and performance requirements they have to navigate to receive federal funds. ”
    …Command-and-control mandates on manufacturing make it impossible to actually achieve anything? The former Soviet Union called, they want their 5 year planning back.

    “Joe Biden’s goal of having half the vehicles sold in the United States be electric by the end of the decade — a key cog of his climate agenda.”
    …regardless of the mountain of data that his “climate agenda” isn’t just a grift, it’s actively destructive of the American economy. Doesn’t matter that it’s a STUPID goal, as long as it’s something a Communist wants, nicht wahr?

    “Republican opponents are now trying to shut down the administration’s efforts to build a charging network by choking off its funding. ”
    …mostly because it’s stupid and harmful. But sure, act like Utopia would TOTES happen if those wascally Wepublicans didn’t stand in the way, sure gives you something to blame your INEVITABLE failure on

    ““It has been frustrating to say the least,” Arcady Sosinov, founder and CEO of charging manufacturer FreeWire Technologies, said of the slow pace of the rollout.”
    …says a guy who’s mad he’s not getting HIS slice of the grift as fast as he thinks he should, and also thinks the Government should provide for HIS car charging. Fun fact, the Goberment did NOT build gas stations when automobiles were invented, not a one. Why should THIS be any different?

    “That includes 41,000 of the type of fast chargers that can alleviate the dreaded “range anxiety” of a long-distance road trip in an electric vehicle.”
    …although there’s lots of OTHER things that go into limiting EV range like using heaters, defrosters, wipers, lights, etc., and don’t forget that every time you cycle a battery you’ll get less out of it than you did the last time, until it simply doesn’t charge any more even ic you ARE willing to spend money to sit in your dead car every 50 miles…

    “The goal is a reliable and standardized network in every corner of the nation”
    …because Government CERTAINLY sets the bar high for reliability /s

    “But Aatish Patel, president of charger manufacturer XCharge North America, is worried the delays in installing chargers are imperiling efforts to drive up EV adoption.

    “As an EV driver, a charger being installed in two years isn’t really going to help me out now,” Patel said. “We’re in dire need of chargers here.””
    …another guy who wants his grift to come in faster, again begging the question; why should it be considered a National Emergency worthy of robbing the taxpayers over just so YOU can have YOUR charging be more convenient?

    “The program requires the chargers meet a strict set of standards, such as being built at least every 50 miles over major routes, being operational at least 97 percent of the time and featuring credit card readers for easy payment.”
    ..see that LAST part? Electricity isn’t free! Whoda thunk it? /s

    …the rest is just political attacks punctuated by the insufferable Rhino DeWhine to try to make their nonsense look “bipartisan”, so I’ll quit there.

    Suffice to say that, while the execution is certainly lacking, mired in the bureaucracy and corruption that is a Communist signature. given that it’s in service of such a fundamentally flawed concept, perhaps it’s for the best lest the highways become dotted with the ghostly remains of abandoned chargers that never were a good idea, and will certainly be left behind as technology advances and they do not.

    The point was, and is, the Big Pedos 10 percent, with Democrats getting in on the side hustle along the way as American mobility is destroyed.

    After all, Central Planning doesn’t work if people don’t stay where they’re put.

    And this is a DANDY way to make sure your peasants can’t do anything ELSE.

  4. I’m not sure the basis for this report but here in NW Vermont two charging stations were installed in our neighborhood in the last six months. State funds were used but I would think that that Federal dollars were the original source.

  5. They didn’t waste that money, they all spent it on personal, private, fossil fuel-guzzling jets and insider trading for their own enrichment.
    Can’t wait until a few heavily ARMED citizens get fed enough at the official, legalized criminality to lead the march; I predict they’ll have a veritable army following them.

  6. Oh it’s those evil republicans: “ Republican opponents are now trying to shut down the administration’s efforts to build a charging network by choking off its funding.”

    Well, the funding has been there for two years and nothing got done by the dems. That $7.5 billion could build a LOT of border wall; you know, to save the planet.

    And fuck you, Politico.


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