Democrat Controlled Federal Government Will Be Forgotten As The Feeblest In History – IOTW Report

Democrat Controlled Federal Government Will Be Forgotten As The Feeblest In History

Red State

If there has been a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House combination weaker than what we’re seeing now, it’s hard to spot.

President Joe Biden has effectively signaled the end of his legislative agenda by promising executive actions and increasing the might of the regulatory state. The Democrats in Congress are issuing ultimatums to each other over spending issues, and they don’t seem to be afraid to issue them to Biden, either.

The Democrats have a few votes to spare in the House, pending special elections. They have no votes to spare in the Senate. Nancy Pelosi is powerless over her caucus at this point. The Progressive Caucus has taken such firm control over the narrative and the Democratic agenda that Pelosi is just along for the ride at this point.

Chuck Schumer, meanwhile, is probably the most powerless Majority Leader in history. No one talks about Schumer. It’s always about Minority Leader Mitch McConnell or centrist-acting Joe Machin and Kyrsten Sinema. Schumer appears to be completely out of the loop as to what’s going on in his party, and like Pelosi, he does not seem to be fighting to really retake control.

And then there is Biden himself. More

15 Comments on Democrat Controlled Federal Government Will Be Forgotten As The Feeblest In History

  1. I must have a different definition of “feeble.”
    They are evil, hateful, and destructive – I have noticed no feebleness – in either their attempts or their attainments.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Everything The Trump admin was accused of for 4 years has played out in the last six months like clockwork. The Blame for this mess should be laid squarely at the feet of the state legislatures that allowed their local City governments to steel elections to (Get rid of Trump!). These same idiots will be begging for Trumps policies back by 2022. The Modern Democrat Party couldn’t run a fucking lemonade stand.

  3. “This is extraordinarily bad news for the Democrats ahead of 2022. It is very early in that campaign season, but if these numbers we’re seeing hold even remotely consistent, then the midterms will be an absolute bloodbath and a very quick changing of the guard in Congress.”

    Nah. They’ll be fine. Even pick up a supermajority.

    I know.

    But don’t ask me HOW I know, or I’ll sue you.

    And win, because you’ll have no standing.

    We OWN it, bitches.

    Get used to it.

  4. “Schumer appears to be completely out of the loop as to what’s going on in his party, and like Pelosi, he does not seem to be fighting to really retake control.”

    Sounds a lot like the guy AOC beat in 2018. Schumer, you fell asleep and Soros put lipstick on you, AOC. And I’m afraid that it’s AOC’s favorite shade. New York, you’re sleepwalking. You’d better snap out of it before Dominion eats your election, too.

  5. “If there has been a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House combination weaker than what we’re seeing now, it’s hard to spot.”

    And yet they’ve completely corrupted the greatest nation in the world, control all branches of government, tanked the economy, effectively taken control of all schools and businesses, taken control of the entire medical sector so they complely control your access to health, and are depriving 80 million people of their livelihoods and destroying the most powerful military in history, even as they openly commit high treason and arm our enemies with both information and hardware, with no consequences whatsoever.

    If that’s WEAK Democrats, I’d sure hate to see STRONG ones.

  6. The republican agenda, do nothing, set voting rights back 100 years, falsely claim about a stolen election, do more of nothing, complain about masks & the vaccines, shut down the government during a pandemic, setting America on the course to become a third world country.

  7. the fed gov corruption has been in place for years now.

    those that benefit will not give up their power and money without a fight.

    our elected politicians are the face to hate only, no more power there, they gave it all away to the bureaucrats.

    so voting will not fix this.

    this will only be fixed the same way we came into existence.

    violent struggle.

    either fix it or welcome world slavery.

    time is short.

  8. The problem? The name pelosi, schumer, mac connell and many others keep popping up through the years, usually when the government train is going off the washed out bridge. Everything will stay the same until washington gets the high colonic it needs and these turds are flushed away.

  9. The Dims know they’re in trouble. They’ll do one of 2 things, go all out to screw America, or turn things around by voting American and possibly keeping their seat. I see signs of Governor Whitmer doing the same to keep her seat, but she’ll get the boot, people don’t forget. Any-who, the Dims are screwed. I guess conservatives had to go through this to see what we’ve lost and what we’re losing.

  10. They’re not feeble. They’re eeeble!

    “Leadership” today means a bunch of superannuated power-clutching mediocrities whose only contributions have been to coerce their members to vote in a bunch of unreadable, indecipherable laws that shift power onto a permanent bureaucracy.

    They’re not half as feeble as they ought to be.


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