Democrat Detroit City Council President Convicted of Child Sexual Assault and is a Sexual Predator – IOTW Report

Democrat Detroit City Council President Convicted of Child Sexual Assault and is a Sexual Predator

Charles Pugh is a sexual predator. You see, I can say that and not be sued because CHARLES PUGH IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR.

Anyone calling Donald Trump a sexual predator is open to liable. That’s how it works.


For the first time, former Detroit City Council president and former FOX 2 morning anchor Charles Pugh admitted Wednesday morning in court he had sexual relations with a teenage boy. Pugh pleaded guilty to two of the five charges against him in a child sexual assault case, which involved a victim who was just 14 at the time. That victim and is now in his late twenties.

Austin Williams says he came forward so that what happened to him does not happen to anyone else.

“I think this is justice because, the most important thing is that people know that he is a sexual predator, that parents and people are aware of what happened,” Williams says. FOX 2 does not identify sexual assault victims, but Williams gave us permission to use his name and show his face.

Williams met Pugh more than a decade ago back in 2003 when he visited the FOX 2 studio. Pugh was an anchor at the time. He says shortly after that encounter their sexual relationship began.


ht/ rob e.

14 Comments on Democrat Detroit City Council President Convicted of Child Sexual Assault and is a Sexual Predator

  1. This is funny. I keep hearing these dumb ass attorneys and want to be attorneys say how ridiculous it is for Trumo to threaten a law suit. No judge will allow a ” Defamation” law suit.
    Probably true. He’ll be suing for Collusion. I checked with an attorney buddy of mine at the gym a couple days ago and he smiled and said “Xactly”.
    Any second opinions?

  2. If you have absolutely nothing to do, live stream the morning show from his old tv station and watch the most idiotic liberal assholes spew nonsense. You’ll love the pot gut afro that raves about beyonce.

  3. @BB

    Second opinion? Gym? Attorney buddy at a gym?
    both concepts totally escape me.

    Just goofing on you, but you teed It up and I had to whack it.

    Gyms are where people go to rush through the number of God ordained number of heartbeats that were assigned to you at birth, right?

  4. PHenry, This might shock you but most gym members have lives out side the gym. Besides I used this guy about 12 years back on a contract dispute and he kicked ass. Sadly I think he was the first guy in all of America with a Obama sticker on his bumper. Voted for him last time around too. He’s taken a ton of shit. He says he’s voting for Trump this time around. That rings really hallow.

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