Democrat Dream Ticket a Nightmare – IOTW Report

Democrat Dream Ticket a Nightmare

Peter Navarro on Substack

Michelle [Obama] will be expected to bring back the black vote, particularly black women, now running for the exits from Joe Biden.  She will also appeal to the more moderate elements of the Democrat party who remember with revisionist history fondness the mediocre reign of Barack Obama. 

[Gavin] Newsom will be a youthful face.  His broad mission will be ensure no progressive defections to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. or millennial or Gen Z defections to either Trump and Kennedy.

Any effective Republican counter-strategy must smoke the Biden coup out early.  This means making Biden vigorously deny he will drop out while making candidates waiting in the wings – particularly Obama and Newsom – deny they will participate in the Biden coup. More

32 Comments on Democrat Dream Ticket a Nightmare

  1. In normal Presidential election years, all the candidates in both parties are rolling by now with their organizations, fundraisers and events leading up to the primaries. The Republixans got started and then fizzled as people figuired it out: BORING! For the Democrats who want to challenge pResident Numbnuts, the hour is already VERY LATE!

  2. I hate to be such a Debbie Downer, but I firmly believe they will insert Newsom into the White House exactly as they did with Biden. Remember that the real damage isn’t being done by Biden, but the hundreds of unelected psycho moonbat bureaucrats infesting the halls of government. Until we get rid of them, it really won’t even matter if Trump wins – they will work behind the scenes to sabotage whatever agenda doesn’t fit their desires.

  3. There are all kinds of possible moves to get rid of Biden.
    Get him out due to health reasons, keep him in and hope his cheat works then have him step down and make Newsom or Mike VP, or others moves. The string pullers would be the same and the country would be done.
    Let’s hope they fail.

  4. ” but I firmly believe they will insert Newsom into the White House”

    Newsom refused to keep Trump off the ballot in California. A direct shot across Biden’s bow. Nancy Pelosi swings a big sword in the DNC. The DNC changed it’s rules in 2020 allowing the DNC to appoint their candidate bypassing the primary process entirely. My opinion is it’s going to be Newsom. Big Mike? I don’t think so.
    AAAAAND, the latest word on Dominion is Dominion was a ruse. It wasn’t Dominion, it was the CIA all along. Will they try it again. You bet your ass.

  5. From what I saw off this year’s election, the offices were stolen by Mail-in ballots.

    In my state Democrat mail-in ballots were anywhere from 2-6 times the amount of Republican and other ballots. No one questioned this? Many Democrats won by thin margins, mostly the result of adding those numbers in.

    Mail-in voting needs to be made much more difficult again.

  6. ^ Go for it.
    Give it a shot.
    Give it a whack.
    Knock yourself out.
    See what you can do.
    Try it on for size.
    Have a go at it.
    Whack ’em up.
    Knock ’em dead.
    Shoot the moon.

    (Wait. Is this the right thread?)

  7. They’re going to fo what they’re going to do as they have done. As they have no limits, they also have no checks on their stupidity or hubris. We have already seen the results of that combination over the last three long years.

    President Trump stands in the gap for us once more, and I love him for that. But ultimately, we will have to take what they give us, whether it’s the sullen cow and the preening ponce, the decomposing molester and willy brown’s cock-holster, or something much worse, we have to accept that this nation is bent on destruction and plan accordingly.

    The checks and balances are crumbling into the void, and the elites are scrambling to secure their perches on the edge, as if the crumbling will stop. Trust no Davos man, but have faith in God.

  8. President WHO? WTF The correct term is “Former” or “Ex” he is not America’s current sitting President, derps! While some dumbasses think & parrot HIS lies he/tRump-tard LOST. Steal/stollen oh his SORRY ass tried & the parrots cheep his lies, fock off & he/you sorry ass parrots will lose again, amen praise da lord.

  9. Anonymous, you keep giving yourself away; ”stollen” is not a word in English, yet you keep using it. Are you ESL, drunk or merely a run of the mill cretin?

    Whichever, don’t let me stop you. I like to see your all caps rage. And don’t think you’re immune to the damage being done. You’ll likely feel it long before I will. It’s not as if the oppressors see any fundamental difference between you and me. One difference is that I can hear the rails singing.

  10. Biden will still hold the term as America’s 46th if he wins in 2024. tRump would be still be America’s 45th president, has zero chance at winning as a insurrectionist.

  11. ^^^^
    And mean while the Black community in Chicago pledge support for DJT. Anon Troll must be independently wealthy. It’s not effected by run away inflation, the collapse of the manufacturing sector, the astronomical fuel prices. Which reminds me. The Green New Deal. Yea it’s toast. Biden is currently producing more fossil fuel energy than any other President in an effort to lower fuel costs so his retarded brain dead ass stands a chance of getting re elected. What? You didn’t know that Brain Dead Boy?

  12. Trump in his term received 5.5 million from China. As a sitting President, which is against AMERICAN LAW. Treasonous traitor should be hung by his teeny-tiny balls on the Capital Steps!


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