Democrat Mayor of Union City, New Jersey Has His Police Goon Arrest a Journalist for “Disrespecting Him” at a Public Forum – IOTW Report

Democrat Mayor of Union City, New Jersey Has His Police Goon Arrest a Journalist for “Disrespecting Him” at a Public Forum

21 Comments on Democrat Mayor of Union City, New Jersey Has His Police Goon Arrest a Journalist for “Disrespecting Him” at a Public Forum

  1. The police (I hate to say this) around the country are undereducated; they may (or may not) be able to relate the U.S. Constitution to their everyday work.
    Police believe that they can break into your home without a warrant if they feel (or have been told) there is an emergency situation without first attempting to validate the information.
    And if you want to take them to court, you”d better be a multi-billioaire

  2. The cops tried to say it was defamation?
    Still not an arrestable offense, civil at best.
    The cops are now largely uneducated in the Constitution and many just follow orders or are put in a corner by crooked politicians.
    We were swatted the other day because some ticked off gf of my son’s told the cops we had bombs and machine guns in the house.
    That’s it. Just her lies. But because of unconstitutional red flag laws they showed up at our house at 5:30 am with their military vehicle with the gun turret on top and the battering ram commanding us to come out.
    And ME guv Mills won’t let the State Cops investigate the illegal Chinese pot farms because her brother is one of the realtors who helps them buy properties.

    That’s why when I see “Back the Blue” I am conflicted.
    Then we see things like this.

  3. It’s us against them.
    Mayors, council members, cops, prosecutors, DAs, public defenders, judges and the rest are all on the same team. They all feed at the same trough.

  4. @beachmom
    Thank the Lord you and your family are ok!!!
    I feel the same way about “Back the Blue”, especially after watching police officers during the China flu lockdowns.
    Will the false accuser be prosecuted? Unfortunately, I think I know the answer to that!

  5. I’m not calling for a revolutioin – in any sense, but it may be time, not just to throw the bums/bloodsuckers out, but to carefully look at the whole system that gives a poor person a chance to become a multi-millionaire on my tax money (and yours); this was not the U.S I grew up in: politicians (and teachers, et al) worked for you, not the other way around.
    There’s something amiss – and it’s been getting worse with time: if you were ill and getting sicker, what would you do?

  6. beachmom , sorry to learn about your “swatting” . What a waste of time and manpower. Guess that the Illegal aliens are behaving themselves. Hope that that girlfriend of your son’s is his former girlfriend. Glad that you survived, thank God .

  7. Poor cat wouldn’t come out of the basement until almost 7 that night.
    No apology from the cops either.
    I told them it was nice to see they were getting to use their surplus military vehicle they bought when Obama was in office and selling them off.

    The illegals are going to have a complex with 200 units and soccer and football fields and playgrounds built for them.
    Instant ghetto and no go zone for white citizens.

  8. boron; that’s a profound understatement. I’ve lost count of the number of channels on yt that feature videos of cops flagrantly violating civil rights while simultaneously blissfully ignorant of the constitution. There needs to be a nationwide referendum to wise up lahr enforcement and weed out the tyrants, of which there are legion. There are many decent individuals in lahr enforcement, but unfortunately it appears to be a refuge for malcontents/ inferiority complex sufferers with a propensity towards violence. The m/o is universal; you WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!!! Lemme see your ID, IT’S THE LAW! Contemp of cop? Put your hands behind your back! Here’s the deal!
    Again I’m not indicting all lahr enforcement, but the preponderence of really bad ones dirties up the lot.

  9. If you offer people poor pay but they get to carry a gun, wear a uniform, and pin on a badge, and set things up so that they rarely if ever have to answer for improper acts, and don’t require any level of education, and don’t assess them for mental defects or antisocial attitudes, what kind of applicants are you going to get?

    We see the results, and the results suck. I know there are good and well-meaning cops out there, but the thug cops are so prevalent it is getting harder and harder to let the good guys off the hook because they simply have to know but then tolerate the corruption of their colleagues.


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