Democrat Opponent Caught Paying for Racist Content Aimed at Mayra Flores – IOTW Report

Democrat Opponent Caught Paying for Racist Content Aimed at Mayra Flores

Red State

As RedState reported, Democrat Rep. Vincente Gonzalez was caught paying a blogger to write racist posts attacking Rep. Mayra Flores, who recently won TX-6 in a special election. That district had previously been held by Democrats for over 100 years, marking a ground-shaking shift among the area’s electorate. More

3 Comments on Democrat Opponent Caught Paying for Racist Content Aimed at Mayra Flores

  1. More and more and more it is being exposed that the most pernicious racism in the US is the racism deliberately created by democrats in order for them to pretend to fight against it.

  2. I have a number of friends who I met out hunting who are the descendants of slaves and to a man were born and raised on the Mississippi Delta. Each and every one of them has said they would take the racism of their youth over what they experienced in Seattle and/or Portland. All are ex military and all have said that the least they have seen was during their time in the military. All were enlisted and two went through OCS after receiving field commissions. Where all saw the most virulent racism in the military was from well healed officers from New England and dumb assed crackers.

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