Democrat Palm Beach County Mayor Calls 60 Minutes Segment on Governor DeSantis “Intentionally False” – IOTW Report

Democrat Palm Beach County Mayor Calls 60 Minutes Segment on Governor DeSantis “Intentionally False”


After the CBS news program 60 Minutes ran a fraudulent attack against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, accusing him of a pay-to-play scheme for vaccine rollout in Palm Beach County, the DEMOCRAT mayor of the county, Dave Kerner, eviscerates CBS with a statement saying “The reporting was not just based on bad information – it was intentionally false.

Apparently the mayor of the county attempted to provide clarity to the false accusations of CBS; but the network refused to listen to him because they had a political agenda to broadcast and the truth of what Mayor Kerner could provide was against the interests of the network objective.    more here

1 Comment on Democrat Palm Beach County Mayor Calls 60 Minutes Segment on Governor DeSantis “Intentionally False”

  1. I have it on good authority, that Governor De Santis is causing truck gas tanks to explode… Yeah yeah… That’s the ticket… AND… only in trucks owned by black people!…


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