Democrat Party Needs A New Mascot – IOTW Report

Democrat Party Needs A New Mascot

Yes, the dems are indeed the jackass party. But despite having that “spot on” “on the nose” mascot since 1828, they’ve never quite gotten the message.

(The mascot actually does symbolize a jackass. Andrew Jackson supporters were derisively called “jackasses.” So Andrew Jackson embraced it in a “reversal empowerment thing.”)

Rickey G thinks it’s time to update–

I think we should help the Democrat Party come up with a new mascot. Yes, the jackass has served them well, and a good argument can be made it is still quite appropriate, but it is time to update their image.

Some ideas:
1. Parrot: bird-brained, but capable of endlessly repeating simple phrases. Very handy skill to have at protests.
2. Broken-down car: Look how well it helped the young Mr. Kennedy at his recent speech…

53 Comments on Democrat Party Needs A New Mascot

  1. How about a Brontosaurus in a big block of amber to represent how out of touch they are with the modern world?

    A cow bird because they lay their eggs in other bird’s nests then leave and let someone else raise the fledglings.

    Actually, islamic rage boy would be perfect as he represents the low I Q Prog voter who reacts based on emotions rather than on facts.

  2. Spongbob dresses as pajama boy sipping hot cocco in BLM mugs with rage boy in a Mexican resturant.

    It hits their bass across the board; the 16 year olds they want to give the vote to and all the American haters. They could be talking about how the are waiting for Sandy to come back from PP.

  3. How about the mythical creature the chimera. A winged lion with the head of a chicken. It’s perfect. With all their big talk but actual cowardice, and their policies are all fantasy-based.

  4. -Circus clown
    -Wizard of Oz-promises everything while making lots of noise
    -Witches (HRC, Pelosi, Waters, Warren, DES) over a cauldron in which they are melting the USA.
    -Hammer and Sickle, might as well go for truth.

  5. I’m thinking flora instead of fauna for their mascot.

    How about the Florida Strangler Fig (Ficus aurea)? Here’s why:

    Ficus aurea is a strangler fig. In figs of this group, seed germination usually takes place in the canopy of a host tree with the seedling living as an epiphyte until its roots establish contact with the ground. After that, it enlarges and strangles its host, eventually becoming a free-standing tree in its own right.

  6. Malignant Tumors

    1 a obsolete : malcontent, disaffected
    b : evil in nature, influence, or effect : injurious a powerful and malignant influence
    c : passionately and relentlessly malevolent : aggressively malicious the malignant tongues of gossipers
    2 : tending to produce death or deterioration malignant malaria; especially : tending to infiltrate, metastasize, and terminate fatally a malignant tumor

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