Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee struggles with ‘Moon Gasses’ and Solar Eclipse Glasses – IOTW Report

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee struggles with ‘Moon Gasses’ and Solar Eclipse Glasses

39 Comments on Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee struggles with ‘Moon Gasses’ and Solar Eclipse Glasses

  1. full moon…is made up mostly of gases

    Psychological projection, and what’s even more telling, psychological projection onto an inanimate non-sapient object.

  2. When this country was founded, there was 1 US House member for every 30,000 residents. Given no voting by kids, slaves, or women, it meant as few as 5000 voters. Now it is 1 for every 750,000 to 1,000,000 residents. Talk about MASSIVELY DECREASED REPRESENTATION. And when it started, the government stole no income or property taxes, didn’t micromanage the economy, didn’t regulate anything other than the amount of silver and gold backing the money, etc. and had a budget of next to nothing. This is UNSUSTAINABLE, is NOT REPRESENTATION, and MUST END.

  3. Of course we can’t ever really colonize the moon because it might tip over and fall to earth killing everyone. But if we could, we would build a pipeline to earth for all that free gas up there.

    – Your average Dem pol.

  4. Honestly, A customer gave me a pair of those glasses and they are not built to stay on your face like regular glasses are. I had to hold them up to my eyes because the hooked ends are too shallow to grab ahold of your ears.

    Even if they did stay in place by themselves, I found the gaps on the sides let too much sunlight in.

    I got some fairly interesting photos and video holding the glasses lens up to the camera lens.

    I had the pleasure of watching it with a Rabbi I’ve known since @1991. I took the moment to mention how the sun went dark for 3 hours when Jesus died. That was no eclipse.

  5. ^ Careful Harry, there are people here who have admitted to being overweight but who are obviously brilliant.

    Case in point: At 6’1″, I “should” weigh about 172. But I’m currently at 191 and shrinking. But holy socks, I’m smart! I mean I’m smarter than I’ve ever been. My kids know it, my grand kids know it. I’m a fricken wise, old genius!!

    GD gin and lime juice is sooo good.

  6. Jackson-Lee can’t put on Glasses.
    Biden can’t walk.
    Kamala can’t plug in an electric Car
    Lizzy Warren has trouble drinking a beer on y-tube.
    Nicky Haley could not name 1 province (not 3) in the Ukraine.

    Can these people wipe their own buts?

  7. It’s a wonder she can dress herself. What a Demwit. She didn’t figure out, if she put the mike down, maybe – just maybe she could adjust those “moon gasses” glasses much better with both hands.

  8. Brad
    TUESDAY, 9 APRIL 2024, 23:20 AT 11:20 PM
    “LOL.”It’s a wonder she can dress herself.”

    What makes you think she can?”

    …just think, somewhere, somehow, there may be a person who’s going to sleep tonight knowing they have to dress a naked -THAT- tomorrow, and peel the clothes off of it that night right down to the wighat.

    …pleasant dreams…

  9. “Case in point: At 6’1″, I “should” weigh about 172. But I’m currently at 191 and shrinking.”

    Dude. Your weight is really good if you’re only 20 pounds over ideal.

    America wouldn’t have so many health problems if they were only 20 lbs over.

  10. Brad WEDNESDAY, 10 APRIL 2024, 0:21 AT 12:21 AM
    That scale is bull shit. I’m 6-1. 225. Post cancer. About 6% body fat. Ignore that crap.

    I came to that conclusion at 21. It’s like they think everyone should be a Twiggy.


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