Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu of California deleted a tweet after Elon Musk fact-check – IOTW Report

Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu of California deleted a tweet after Elon Musk fact-check

BPR: Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu of California deleted a tweet falsely claiming that COVID-19 was a leading cause of death for children after the Twitter CEO ripped him for publishing “misleading data.”

Lieu was responding to a tweet by author David Zweig which revealed that Twitter censored Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorf for tweeting that people with natural immunity nor children needed to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Lieu claimed that Zweig’s screenshot of the internal Twitter documents was “misleading.”

“People of all ages at high risk from COVID generally benefit from vaccines,” Lieu tweeted, according to screenshots. “Prior natural immunity may last only a few months. COVID appears to be a leading cause of death for children.”

He later deleted his tweet after Musk wrote that the tweet shared “misleading data” and tagged Twitter’s Community Notes feature, which adds context to potentially misleading Tweets, according to its website.

12 Comments on Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu of California deleted a tweet after Elon Musk fact-check

  1. Democratic Rep Ted Lieu (Ca) once stood at a busstoip with Democratic Rep Mazie Hirono (HI) and decided the bus just might be to fast to catch up with, they ran and ran and ran and fell down, but they liked the free lunches….window licking was an incentive…..

  2. Lieu
    Oh man.
    I got tons and tons of msNBC video of that idiot saying the most stupid shit that made me wonder if he is slightly mentally retarded. It was on msNBC so not many of their viewers clued in on the IQ issues.

    Best XMAS in Years.

  3. Somebody made a comment years ago that was so funny I remembered part of it just not who said it or how.

    Something about “Louisiana Shrimpers in rubber boots”

    Not sure what sparked that mental image.

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