Democrat Scott Wallace Drops ‘F-bomb’ During Debate in Synagogue – IOTW Report

Democrat Scott Wallace Drops ‘F-bomb’ During Debate in Synagogue

Breitbart: Democrat Scott Wallace cursed during a debate in a synagogue against incumbent Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) in Pennsylvania’s 1st congressional district Sunday, dropping the “f-bomb” from the stage, considered a sacred space.

Local WBCB News reported:

As the political climate continues to heat up, challenger Scott Wallace lost his cool during a debate with Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick. Sunday night at the Congregation Tifereth Israel in Bensalem, Wallace used an expletive and “dropped an f-bomb” in front of those attending.

“Ironically, there was a later question about the need for civility in politics,” Fitzpatrick told WBCB. “Well, a good start is to not use vulgarities in the sanctuary of a synagogue in the middle of a congressional debate.”  MORE

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