Democrat Sign Stealer Caught by GPS Tracking – IOTW Report

Democrat Sign Stealer Caught by GPS Tracking

Gateway Pundit

“We had been putting out these override signs for Cave Creek Unified School District [Arizona], and the first batch was getting taken so fast, literally on the same day,” said a Patriot who goes by MAGA James.

James told us that he started putting signs with GPS chips out at 7 am one day, and one of them had been stolen within a few hours. “We couldn’t believe it because it was morning in broad daylight,” said James. More

14 Comments on Democrat Sign Stealer Caught by GPS Tracking

  1. Brad,

    After the Danchenko not-guilty verdict I think people are going to start handling this shit the way it should have been handled from the very beginning.

    Only then will there be justice.

  2. Ridiculous. But then again, it’s expected from democrats at this point.

    Level headed people and groups here go around and put up signs all over that say NO to so-and-so new/higher tax. Every single one of them ends up having at least one YES sign placed in front of it. Drive around, you’ll never see a NO sign without a YES sign blocking it.

    Pretty shitty, but I’ve never seen a higher tax on the ballot that didn’t get passed. It might not happen this cycle, or the next, but it will remain on the ballot until it’s passed. There should be laws against that shit because people turn out to vote down bullshit higher taxes over and over and over until they get tired of voting and that’s when the communists take over. I mean, who in their right mind looks at what’s on the ballot and goes, “higher taxes? Fuck yes, sign me up!!” What’s wrong with people? And they disguise it with disingenuous titles such as this year we have, “Workers rights” that is nothing short of a union takeover with unlimited power for unions to set taxes at whatever they hell they want, whenever they want. No need to vote on taxes anymore when this bullshit passes, unions will dictate to the state what they require and Illinois will rubber stamp it. But guess what? I’m probably going to vote YES on it. Because there’s no point in trying to keep anything good in Illinois anymore. I’m outta here soon anyhow, hopefully. Might as well do all I can to screw this place before I’m gone.

  3. Chris, lefties literally have actual men competing against women in women’s sports for the sole purpose of cheating as a protected class that can’t be criticized. Yet you think the republicans cheat for sport? lol.

  4. We already have that crap here in ILLINOIS but also ALL the Democrat loving TV news stations here REFUSED to show Darren Bailey ads against Gov Fred Flintstone after HE told them they weren’t fair to Fred!
    ZERO freedom of speech in ILLinoise!

  5. Chris, wild accusations aren’t EVIDENCE.
    If you had two brain cells that were connected you’d just be a nuisance.
    Name a single, criminal accusation at Trump that has been successfully proven in a court of law. 4 years of bullshit accusations that have proven nothing but FALSE.
    But keep watching Rick Maddow, loser.
    All lies, just like your big fucking cunthole of a mouth.

  6. I went to vote about 12 years ago at my local elementary school on the next block over from where I live.

    I noticed there were no Republican signs at all next to the curb as I walked in.

    At the sign-in desk I asked why that was.

    A 20-something dude behind the desk snickered and gave his fellow workers a look that could only be described as a “guilty as charged and proud of it”. Couldn’t contain his glee.

    I’m considering parking one of my trucks so it faces down all the signage and leaving my dash cam powered all day. Maybe across the street too so it’s closer for better resolution and face recognition. Then walking in with glasses that record to verify up close who it was. Yeah, I’ve got some of those.

    I’ve never seen an R sign when I’ve voted over the years. I know it doesn’t really make a difference in the vote count, but I’d like the lefty to pay a price for his petty crap.


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