Democrat Tries To Throw Her Weight Around On Two Tenafly, NJ Police Officers – IOTW Report

Democrat Tries To Throw Her Weight Around On Two Tenafly, NJ Police Officers

UPDATE: It gets better.


She served on Hillary Clinton’s national finance team and is a co-chairman of the Financial Committee for Ready for Hillary, a super PAC created to draft Clinton for the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.


I can think of 3 other cases off the top of my head where democrat women berate officers who are simply doing their job, and threaten them with the ‘ol “you have no idea who you’re talking to” routine. It seems like they run for office just so they can be tyrannical shrews.

In every case it has backfired.

This video is a thing of beauty, especially if you enjoy seeing a smug, gasbag, threatening, bitch of a democrat politician get hers.


Democratic lobbyist and former Port Authority commissioner Caren Z. Turner cursed out police officers who’d pulled over a car with her daughter in it this past Easter weekend. She resigned as commissioner on Monday… the Port Authority said in part: “Immediately upon learning of allegations that Commissioner Turner violated the Board’s newly-enacted Code of Ethics, an Inspector General investigation was begun. The investigation revealed conduct that was profoundly disturbing.” Turner had served as chair of the Port Authority board’s ethics committee.

Highly entertaining video HERE.

Watch her violate all the rules her board wrote.

What an idiot.

ht/ all too much

50 Comments on Democrat Tries To Throw Her Weight Around On Two Tenafly, NJ Police Officers

  1. She pulled all the cards out:
    “One is an MIT student.”
    “One is at Harvard, a PHD student.”
    “You’ve ruined Easter and Passover.”
    Then at 14:30 she talks about knowing all the cops and they’ve been IN ALL THREE OF HER HOMES.

    Hopefully, she’ll have to sell 2 of them now to make ends meet. Someone’s been way overpaid as a Public Servant.

  2. Just talking from experience of friends of mine. When their vehicles were impounded a tow truck picked them up and there was a significant towing charge to deal with. Another scam.

  3. Honey, this is why you & all your crunt buddies, from Hillary on down, are now LOSING!!!

    (now, write this down…. wouldn’t want you to misunderstand….)

    go slink back to your 3 houses, before Comrade Bernie confiscates them “by will of the ‘People'”

  4. Too bad a semi didn’t run the bitch over. That would have been my first choice for the conclusion. 2nd choice would have been for the cop to tell her “ma’am I am going to administer a field sobriety test…”

  5. “Do you know who I am”? I’ve heard that many times in my life. I usually didn’t, and didn’t give a phuck either. Been jacked up for my ignorance many times but always got bye. People who say “do you know who I am”? are usually assholes or nobodies.
    Or both.

  6. “Do you know who I am”? I’ve heard that many times in my life. I usually didn’t, and didn’t give a phuck either. Been jacked up for my ignorance many times but always got bye. People who say “do you know who I am”? are usually assholes or nobodies.

  7. “Don’t call me ma’am, I’m a Commissioner”. Her attempt to Barbara Boxer them backfired. Essentially, “okey dokie Commissioner. Bitch”.
    Cops will tell you … “do you know who I am” and “I pay your salary” are two guarantees for a ticket.

  8. It must be that her daughter is a little uppity bitch too. She called her mother to come and throw her weight around and got humiliated for her efforts.
    Whats twice as funny is that her behavior is immortalized on youtube for all her catty friends to use against her. Comedy gold.

  9. I like the ‘friend of the Mayor’ part in her opening.
    This is why Lazlo is not a cop.
    I would have replied by bouncing her face off the hood of my squad car, and telling her to say hi to her friend. Then put her in a spit hood for the hell of it.

  10. We had a post about this earlier.
    Here is where I sympathize with Bubba Fur.
    Hitting women is wrong, at times, it can be justifiable.
    Mz. (née Commissioner) Turner got hit pretty hard Monday, eh?

  11. Shit! She has 3 houses? NOW we know where to send the incoming muslim refugees, huh?
    Bet we could get a couple hundred of them in each, THEN lets see how mouth she has dealing with a hostile group of “people” whose supposed “religion” states her value is LESS THAN that of a stray dog and worth 1/2 of that of a man!


  12. Late to the party. Reminds me of a neighbor that I referred to as “Cunta Kinte.” And no, she was white.

    Could not get past the first five minutes. This is in my mind a PERFECT example of our “Betters,” trying to make we the peasants, understand our place to serve and kiss their privileged ass…

    I’m sure she’s clueless as to how asinine she is and presents to those around her.

  13. na na na no don’t call me miss, you can call me commissioner

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

  14. Q. How did she become a commissioner on the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey?

    A. While a Democrat who raised money for Hillary Clinton, Turner was appointed to the Port Authority last year by former Gov. Chris Christie, as part of a pair of appointments that included former GOP state Sen. Kevin O’Toole. Turner was the pick of Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-37), who was pushing for more women on the board.

  15. The bitch epitomizes the swamp
    Ms. Turner is an Honorary Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s (NRCC) Business Advisory Council, and a member of the Presidential Business Commission . On the Democratic side, Ms. Turner worked for Sen. William Proxmire (D-WI) on the Senate Banking Committee, and served as an intern for Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA). She has co-administrated three Political Action Committees, (PACs) and briefly served on the steering Committees of Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ) and Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA). She was on the Finance Committee for Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ). Ms. Turner was on the National Finance Committee, Hillary Clinton for President, Finance Committee for Kirsten Gillibrand.

  16. Did anyone read the comments left at LiveLeak? Too many of the called her a *unt and rightly so! She has no job now to support her 3 homes that she bragged about. Love it, the cops did good. That guilt trip she tried to lay on the cops rolled right off of them. Golden! Oh and I loved the credential dropping of Yale student, PhD (piled higher and deeper), and you ruined Easter! LOL!


2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Port Authority Kicks Caren Z. Turner While She’s down — GOOD! – IOTW Report
  2. Democrat Tries To Throw Her Weight Around On Two Tenafly, NJ Police Officers - Watcher of Weasels

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