Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema voted “yes” for 2 Trump judicial appointees – IOTW Report

Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema voted “yes” for 2 Trump judicial appointees

Daily Caller: Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema voted “yes” Wednesday on two of four U.S. district judges up for Senate confirmation.

Sinema was one of only three Democrats to vote to confirm Trump appointee Kenneth D. Bell to be U.S. district judge for the Western District of North Carolina.

Bell, a former North Carolina assistant U.S. attorney and current partner with McGuireWoods, LLP, a Charlotte, North Carolina law firm, was confirmed by a 55 – 43 vote with two senators — California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris and Republican North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis — not voting.

Additionally, the Arizona senator voted yes to confirm former Clarence Thomas clerk Carl Nichols to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Nichols also won his confirmation by a 55-43 vote.   read more

12 Comments on Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema voted “yes” for 2 Trump judicial appointees

  1. She’s thrown a couple of curve balls. Remember some of her caucus threatening her to “watch your ass” for applauding during parts of the SotU?

  2. I was just wondering about her the other day. She’s been very quiet!
    Looks like she’s a McCain. But against the Left this time. lol.
    She’s trying to get reelected by being ordinary (I know, I know, I’ve seen her outfits) compared to the nutjob Dems in the House.

  3. I sincerely doubt that she knows Shinola from that other thing. She voted in favor because she either owes a favor or she’s extracting a favor. That’s how the D’s and RINOs roll.

  4. Once upon a time, when Republicans walked the earth, the opposition party didn’t just automatically vote against judical appointments, but reserved “no” votes for nominees they actually considered unqualified.

  5. Sinema got a lot of press with her outrageous wardrobe and absurd statements but I have not heard anything about her lately. Maybe she voted “Yes” to let her constituents know she was still alive?

  6. Gee Wally, maybe it’s true what Miss Landers said. That Kyrsten Sinema isn’t as left wing as all those dumb, alt right, white supremacists say she is.

    Gosh Beeve, she only voted that way because it didn’t matter. Because Bell and Nichols were gonna get confirmed no matter what. Then, see, the media plays it up like she’s a real moderate and she gets re-elected. Then she’ll show her true colors

    And she’ll get away with it cause saps like you never learn. Now, shut up and go to sleep before I slug you one.

  7. Openly Bi-sexual, A real hottie, Young, Has passed legislation helping out seniors;, checks all the right boxes with the crazies and the not-so crazies, I’ve said this before, all the clowns in the circus are to keep everyone entertained, Keep your eye on Left field for this girl and sure as shit stinks look who’s coming out of Left field when the Dems are imploding. Do your due dilligance on this girl and you’ll see, She’s a contender.

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