Dem Congressional Campaign Manager Resigns Over Allegations of Sexual Harassment – IOTW Report

Dem Congressional Campaign Manager Resigns Over Allegations of Sexual Harassment

NTK: Democratic congressional candidate Phil Janowicz’s campaign manager Erik Taylor was forced to resign following several allegations of sexual harassment.


Taylor is accused of sexually harassing several women during his time at the Democratic Party of Orange County. The allegations were made as part of the #MeToo campaign.   read more

9 Comments on Dem Congressional Campaign Manager Resigns Over Allegations of Sexual Harassment

  1. Rolling Purge of Leftist white men.
    Eagerly replaced by brown-ish females.
    Left cannibalizing itself.
    Alinsky’s Rules.
    Circular firing squads.

    Popcorn and beverages.

  2. men in power with no morals.
    who would have thought it would end this way.

    that’s why what bill clinton did to monica mattered to America and was not just a personal matter.

    why would anyone think a politician with no morals would be a good ideal?

    would you really want to elect a consummate liar like hillary to the oval office ?

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