Democratic Lawmaker: ‘Some Things May Need To Be Redacted’ From Mueller Report – IOTW Report

Democratic Lawmaker: ‘Some Things May Need To Be Redacted’ From Mueller Report

Sara Carter: Democratic Congressman Matt Cartwright (D-PA), speaking on Fox News about Mueller report and upcoming testimony before congress of Attorney General William Barr, said that he understands that there will be things that need to be redacted from the report before it becomes public.

“The House Appropriations Committee, funds the entire federal government, and we have to listen to the testimony from the executive branch officers who come in present their proposed budgets and tell us what they want to spend money on etc…so as part of funding the Justice Department, we have the Attorney General coming in and talking about the President’s budget for that department. The Mueller report will come up during his testimony,” said Rep. Cartwright.  read more

6 Comments on Democratic Lawmaker: ‘Some Things May Need To Be Redacted’ From Mueller Report

  1. “But also, to review the whole thing so that they (House Intelligence Committee) have the entire facts and context.” Here’s an idea, Matt. Let US review the whole thing so WE have the entire facts and context. We paid for it, we want to see it.

  2. I don’t want to see the whole thing. Investigations of this duration and scope will have crap in them like fish shit on the bottom of an untended aquarium.

    And anything concrete implicating malfeasance by democrats will never have made it into the record. Mueller wouldn’t do that, ever.

  3. I call BS. They will redact things they don’t want the public to find out about and print anything they can use against Trump. Its all or nothing. They still think we are little kids sucking our thumbs. Just what do they have to hide?? Oh, and by the way, US Taxpayers fund the Federal Government.

  4. ‘Some Things May Need To Be Redacted’
    Like,,, from the
    The McCarthy Commission
    The Warren Commission
    Watergate Committee Report
    Oliver North Committee
    Onto the Nineties,
    World Trade Center 1
    Hillary Travel Gate
    The Clinton Blow Job Committee
    Hanging Chad
    9/11 Commission
    Jumps a lot,
    Russian Collusion
    Look it all up.
    Whole life politicians, Democrat or Republicans are no different.
    As long as you keep voting them in.
    It’s your vote, ,,
    Still think it’s mattered?
    2020 is coming, just give it a good think this time,,,


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