Democratic Senators Accepted Thousands From Tony Podesta For 2018 Campaigns – IOTW Report

Democratic Senators Accepted Thousands From Tony Podesta For 2018 Campaigns

DC: Seven Democratic senators have accepted donations for their 2018 campaigns from Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta, FEC files show.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly probing the Podesta Group as part of his investigation into Russian influence operations within the United States. Tony Podesta, whose brother John was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair in 2016, resigned from the group on Monday following increasing scrutiny into his group’s lobbying activities for foreign entities.

Six Democratic senators that Podesta gave money to are up for re-election in 2018 in states that Trump won.

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5 Comments on Democratic Senators Accepted Thousands From Tony Podesta For 2018 Campaigns

  1. Is the real number 7 or is it more truthful to say ‘at least 7’??
    While I know ‘everyone’ has their price….It seems the dems have an actual price sheet, available upon request.

  2. The Democrat Party’s politicians have been shamed into returning or donating Harvey Winestain campaign donation money.

    Well, with all the Democrat Party’s relentless claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election, then these same Democrat Party politicians should return or donate all campaign fund donations from Podesta and his lobbying firm.

    The same logic applies.

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