Democrats acting as if Maxine Waters will embarrass them in SOTU response – IOTW Report

Democrats acting as if Maxine Waters will embarrass them in SOTU response

American Thinker: Quick, which Democratic Party standard-bearer brings the most recognition to mind: Joe Kennedy the third, or Maxine Waters?

If you’re like most people, the Democrat with the higher profile is Maxine Waters, a Democrat so visible and well-known she has the affectionate nickname among Democrats of “Auntie Maxine.” Kennedy is … one of the Kennedys, gotta look up which one he is in his lineage, along with what kind of trouble he’s been in with the law.

So it’s weird stuff to see the noisy, flamboyant Waters being shunted off to the Black Entertainment Television network representing the Democrats in their response to President Trump’s State of the Union address, while the bland, pedigreed Kennedy is being given the prime time slot for the wider-audience mainstream media response. It certainly looks like ghettoization. So much for the face of the Democratic Party.  more here

28 Comments on Democrats acting as if Maxine Waters will embarrass them in SOTU response

  1. The Dems did to Kennedy that the Liberals did to Justin Trudeau up here in Canada. When the Liberal Party was grasping at straws some bright light remembered that Trudeau the elder spawned kids. One died, on became a “journalist” and one became a bar bouncer, a second grade teacher and a perennial student. They grabbed the bar bouncer from obscurity, cleaned him up, put him in a suit and had him read the eulogy at his Pop’s funeral. Ta Daaa, a new member of parliament is born. Then Canadians with the help of the media made them forget about Juniors past and we have moron as Prime Minister now. I think the Dems looked at that and figured “why not”.

  2. Oh Please let the Great and Powerful Maxine Waters be the Dumbfuskacrats response to POTUS.
    I could not have picked better.
    PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE Let the Bluelipped Queen of stupidity be the one.

  3. Sheila Jackson Lee. The entire Congressional Black Caucus could round out the top 10.

    Nobody wants to hear what a bunch of old, white, rich Democrats have to say. Let Sheila and Maxine be like Diamond & Silk.

    I’ve got a feeling that 30 seconds they’ll start beatboxing their response.

  4. The face of the democrat party is:

    A pointy-nosed New York JEW.
    A wealthy absent-minded California elitist.
    A rambling big-mouthed racist.

    I say, don’t ever demand that they can and should do better. They can’t and this cast of losers sells the Republican party more than the Republicans ever could.

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