The Western Journal
Just after noon ET on Wednesday, the Democratic Party dropped its new logo on social media. As you’re no doubt aware if you spend any time in that corner of the universe — or have paid attention to politics anytime in the past couple of decades — the Democratic logos have been a red-and-blue donkey (the mammalian representative of the party bequeathed upon them by cartoonist Thomas Nast in the 1800s), with four stars inside the blue upper half, and a blue D inside a blue circle on a white background.
Apparently, they felt the need to consolidate. So, the new profile pic just dropped, and … well, this is apparently what they thought people wanted in a rebrand: More
Looks like a pinata
I present to you… The Buddy Ass!
Does it have mumps?
How fitting that a dick is coming out of its butt.
It could be worse. It could be doing the Tijuana Donkey dance with AOC….
So, they think all they need to do is create a new logo. So very like the Leftists to prioritize something like this. When do they start calling themselves something else besides “Progressives”? That always seemed to work.
“It could be worse. It could be doing the Tijuana Donkey dance with AOC….”
LMFAO. Seen it, on here my fans only page. She fucked the donkey to death.
It’s an ass with holes in it. Assholes!
I’m gonna print a few, 18″×18″, for the range…
Buttshot, gutshot & lungshot.
Did they blame to old donkey logo for Kamala’s loss?
Is a donkey’s head 30% of its total body?