Democrats Give Their Donkey an Ugly Makeover – IOTW Report

23 Comments on Democrats Give Their Donkey an Ugly Makeover

  1. So, they think all they need to do is create a new logo. So very like the Leftists to prioritize something like this. When do they start calling themselves something else besides “Progressives”? That always seemed to work.

  2. With that head it and looking like it is major front heavy, it looks like it would do a FACEPLANT with every step it would take. Of course the Leftists do that on a daily basis anyway so they needed a new logo that is more fitting.

  3. The woke makeover completely imploded, they just were not smart enough to tell the freaks and fairies, dykes and harries to take their fucking attention seeking bullshit and shove it straight up their ass until it was too late.

    What they are left with is a coalition of broke ass fucking retards that are fighting amongst themselves

  4. Classic shithole banana republic commie representative. The donkey, probably the most worthwhile entity that exists in the whole of the undeveloped socialist third world. Certainly the people aren’t worth a squeeze of diarrhea, Bidenbama’s open borders have shown us that.


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