Democrats Hit On New Way to Fake Sincerity and Passion – IOTW Report

Democrats Hit On New Way to Fake Sincerity and Passion

In a ploy to either win the sailor and lumberjack vote or to fool constituents that they are seriously concerned about their worries, Democrats have begun letting the swear words rip without restraint. The thinking is that it got Trump elected maybe it’ll work for them too.


There was a study done a few years ago by an ad company ranking states by how much they swear. After reviewing their findings, I don’t think this strategy is going to help Democrats out much in the red states. Here

18 Comments on Democrats Hit On New Way to Fake Sincerity and Passion

  1. In 1982 I was a young ideologue freshly master-degreed and the Executive Director of a Psych Rehab program. We had a lobby day in Harrisburg and I can remember leaving the Governor’s office feeling like he really understood our problems because when I told him of our difficulties getting people and programs to help get mentally ill people out of hospitals and onto the streets he looked me in the eye, paused and said, “Bastards.”

    I realized many years later he had conned with with the use of common words showing his commonness. Don’t get snookered now like I did then.

  2. well, I don’t give a shit what these these Democrat Party shitlickers say, there is no fucking way I’ll ever vote for or listen to some goddam jumped-up oozing-pustule crapnozzle that is a leftist, fascist, national socialist, communist and/or progressive and that goes double for environmentalists.

  3. What the phuck you got against sailors? We don’t
    blow your money like drunken senators, pick on them!
    Just another idiotic media ploy for click bait. It’ll
    sound like something out of South Park when they speak.

  4. “The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made.”
    Jean Giraudoux, French diplomat, dramatist, & novelist (1882 – 1944)
    The French get it – try to keep up, libtards

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