Democrats Horrified at Biden’s Performance – They Are Deeply Concerned – IOTW Report

Democrats Horrified at Biden’s Performance – They Are Deeply Concerned

They will be ousting Biden.

23 Comments on Democrats Horrified at Biden’s Performance – They Are Deeply Concerned

  1. Didn’t watch the debate. Read all your comments in the debate thread.

    Just caught some post-debate video of the CNN talking heads over at CTH – they are totally devastated and angry. Van Jones even calling for him to step aside to make a “new way forward.”

    Joe’s done.

  2. BevKW: the whole reason they put on this debate while controlling absolutely everything was because they wanted him to make an absolute fool of himself. The only thing they are disappointed about is that he didn’t trip over a “sandbar” while walking onto the stage.

    He probably gaffed so much that not even the two minute delay giving lots of doctoring room could save him.

  3. Great point @Bev – “We should never let anyone forget that the Dems actually had to see this to realize that. Why should we trust their collective judgment on ANYTHING?”

  4. What happened to concern for this nation? Biden has been exposed for what he is; old and in some apparent stage of dementia. How is this good for the United States?

    I guess the answer is that Democrats don’t give a rip about this country. I watched some of the CNN post-debate coverage, and this came across loud and clear.

  5. Not even KamalMao can save the Bidentanic campaign. Democrat leaders will have to start fresh with different stooge candidates if they kick Sleepy Joe to the curb.
    Democrat handlers are freaking out because they really don’t have great choices most of their Demwit voters will accept.

  6. Over at the DNC, Bobo Brazille says “We’ve got some work to do, but Joe ain’t going anywhere.” I can only assume she is referring to his chances of being on the ticket in November.

  7. Yes, the Bolsheviks are horrified that Biden “looked” and “sounded” awful. But they are not horrified at inflation that is destroying our economy, at millions of unvetted (and, presumably unvaccinated) illegal immigrants flooding our borders and raping and pillaging at will, at violent felons being released from prisons (perhaps to make room for Trump supporters), at Americans not being able to get jobs (which seem to all be going to immigrants), or at our educational system being turned into left-wing indoctrination camps. No, they are fine with all that.

  8. Democrats, Republicans, and ALL Americans should be horrified –that other world leaders were watching. The heck with the debate, the campaign, etc. We and our allies are in a very vulnerable international position from now until January 20, 2025. WTF is in charge?

  9. @ venturaguy Friday, 28 June 2024, 0:32 at 12:32 am,
    That is why they are going to run manchelle with hitlery as vp.

  10. New York Times columnist Thomas L. “Tom” Friedman, a close friend of President Joe Biden, has had enough. The seemingly tear-stricken writer used an opinion piece Friday to counsel the octogenarian to withdraw from the 2024 race after his “heartbreaking” showing in the debate.

    Friedman is a big fat asshole. How can a NYT editorial writer be objective about Biden if he’s a good friend of Biden?

    After years of ass-kissing Biden, he breaks down in tears.
    He’ll still hate Trump.

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