Democrats In Rural PA Fear Their Conservative Neighbors – IOTW Report

Democrats In Rural PA Fear Their Conservative Neighbors


Some Democrats here in rural Pennsylvania are afraid to tell you they’re Democrats.

The party’s brand is so toxic in the small towns 100 miles northeast of Pittsburgh that some liberals have removed bumper stickers and yard signs and refuse to acknowledge their party affiliation publicly. These Democrats are used to being outnumbered by the local Republican majority, but as their numbers continue to dwindle, the few that remain are feeling increasingly isolated and unwelcome in their own communities.

“The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable,” said Tim Holohan, an accountant based in rural McKean County who recently encouraged his daughter to get rid of a pro-Joe Biden bumper sticker. “I feel like we’re on the run.” More

48 Comments on Democrats In Rural PA Fear Their Conservative Neighbors

  1. Dem’s votes and their pol’s actions certainly do pose a very real threat to me. Explain to me, please, why I should not become a threat to them?

    The way things are heading, being isolated and feeling unwelcome are the least of their worries.

  2. I’ve had a “LetsGoBrandon” sticker on my car for quite awhile and no one has given me any hate for it. Biden is an actual idiot. Stolen elections have consequences. Tough shit.

  3. If anyone thinks I give a rat’s fucking ass about any degree of suffering anyone who subscribes to the progressive agenda is living under, they are sadly mistaken. Fuck every one of the miserable pathetic pieces of subhuman shit.

  4. As usual, they are afraid of what we might do, because it is something they would do (and may have done.)

    I had been reluctant to put any indication on my vehicle that I was a Republican for years.
    There was more than the hatred these people are feeling, there was actual danger that my car would be vandalized.

  5. “but as their numbers continue to dwindle, the few that remain are feeling increasingly isolated and unwelcome in their own communities”. Good, that’s exactly what they deserve!

  6. Uncle Al

    In the ten ring. Exactly. As a Californian in an extremely conservative county we hear the whining from libtards moving here on social media. “Oh my God, I hear gun shots”. Well yea bitch it’s legal to shoot on your own acreage outside of city limits.
    They are currently a minority here but that will change quickly. They’re big deals now are pro mask, pro vaccine. Which is being totally nullified here. They get called Flatlanders, Libtards, Transplants here on Social media. But here’s how they win. They never quit. They just keep their shit up and the new Libtards that move here join in. Until they’re the loudest voice. Fuck these people.

  7. The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable

    That he is sincere, proves he’s one of Joe Biden’s people.

    I feel like we’re on the run

    Canadian border’s still open. And you’re still here. Joe Biden’s people.

  8. I don’t hate the worthless cocksuckers, but that doesn’t mean I don’t despise them and am not indifferent to their suffering. If they would leave other people alone I might just give a fuck about their feelings or what becomes of them, but I don’t see that happening. My inclination is that they will keep it up until I actively wish them deeper into the hell they have created for themselves.

  9. I don’t put any stickers on my vehicles… but I was at some petrol station in southern MD about 8 years ago and some faggot came up to me screaming that my Beetle was Hitler’s car.

    “My 1973 Beetle is Hitler’s car?”

    “Hitler’s car!”

    I didn’t know what to say but Hitler had been dead long before my car came off the line.

  10. Victimhood = power; fear = power.
    It’s just the game they play.
    Conservatives are almost always open to talking. Libs project their control desires onto conservatives, then point their fingers and call them aggressors.

  11. Intellectually and emotionally they really are spoiled children.

    Given them an out. Assure them that if they just quit voting for traitors, if they quit supporting stupid policies, you will not ever kick the shit out of them. Pinkie swear.

  12. I don’t hate democrats as individuals, I hate what their progressive party stands for and represents. Once upon a time I thought that I was a democrat but as I grew older and wised up to their bs I gave up on them and haven’t voted for a democrap since 1984. And Erik we used to call my best friends 58 VW beetle Hitler’s revenge or when it wasn’t running the Bavarian butt fucker.

  13. Yeah! That’s it! Conservatives have just started acting out against progressives… burning, looting, raping, pillaging, beating, stealing their rainbow hats, etc.. yup that’s the ticket! No profs, trust me, when conservatives have had enough, they will be taking careful aim.

  14. Sow wheat; reap wheat.
    Sow corn; reap corn.
    Sow barley; reap barley.
    Sow hatred, divisiveness, class warfare; reap hatred, divisiveness, class warfare.

    Pretty fuckin simple.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Sounds like the phony fear of islam-o-phobia ginned up whenever a muzzie chimps out.

  16. Going to be adding ears of democrats to my collection of ears. At least it’s not heads. Yet. You can identify their homes by the political signs in the lawns. Never show your hand.

  17. In my life WOLFE is nonessential.

    And only 10% of my county votes stupid.

    And stupid ideas get laughed at.

    And we picnic and picket outside the Planned Parenthood place with ultasounds of our sons and daughters.

  18. @ On Whose Shoulders FEBRUARY 19, 2022 AT 8:54 AM

    They are Satan’s foot soldiers who joined the Prince of Darkness of their own free will. This is a fight between good and evil and it is way past time that we recognize it. They are not well intentioned, but misguided. They are openly hostile to The Good in the case of the Democrat subset of “progressives,” and closeted followers of Satan and proponents of his agenda in the case of the Republican establishment subset. It is them against us and they know it, it is high time we recognize the reality of what is happening before our very eyes and make it known that the gig is up.

    We are forgiving and tolerant people, but enough is enough, we are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore needs to go beyond the school board members being told to fuck the fuck off and being voted out. They need to be opposed at every turn and shown absolutely nothing but what they deserve. Open contempt.

  19. Democrats moving to the sticks is like gun loving country boys moving to Hollywood. The Dems are better off in their liberal cities. Unless they wake up and find the joy of freedom and self sufficiency, change their flags and stand as proud patriots. As unlikely as that would be.

  20. I know there are people out there that (even before the election) had taken note of where these liberal pukes are located in case shit hits the fan and patriots need to raid liberals for food and whatever.

  21. Hitler had to invade Poland to PROTECT Germany!
    Claimed that Poland was the aggressor.

    Now these clowns are scared of people who just want to be left alone?

    Socialists use the same old bullshit lies, over and over again.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  22. mickey moussaoui FEBRUARY 18, 2022 AT 11:25 PM

    I’ve gotten “thumbs up” and honked at a number of times. Until it had happened a few times I didn’t realize it was the “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker.

    The “7.62” sticker does not mean I’m a runner…

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