Democrats: Learning the wrong lesson every time – IOTW Report

Democrats: Learning the wrong lesson every time

Patriot Retort: The unhinged insanity unleashed during the Kavanaugh confirmation circus succeeded in emboldening and unifying Republican voters just weeks before the Midterms.

While Democrat enthusiasm wanes, Republican enthusiasm is through the roof.

Hell, I’m not a registered Republican and I’m fired up like crazy to vote for every single Republican on the ballot in November.

The crazy, coordinated freak-out has been a gift to the Republican Party.

And it’s given President Trump the perfect election message:


You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob. Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law – not the rule of the mob. VOTE REPUBLICAN!

There is a very valuable lesson here should the Democrats find the ability to indulge in a moment of self-reflection.  more here

20 Comments on Democrats: Learning the wrong lesson every time

  1. Seen on CNN today, under a group of sour-faced hags slagging Cocaine Mitch:

    “Democrats: Vent your anger at the ballot box”

    I’m in hotels and airports a lot lately.

  2. Alyssa Milano:

    “Kavanaugh moves it much, much further to the right. It has completely lost touch with the values of majority of Americans. And now its legitimacy is shot”.
    1:22 PM – Oct 6, 2018

    This is one more statement that propels the savage mob to assassination and armed rebellion. Once “legitimacy is shot”, open, armed rebellion is the logical next step they will be thinking about. Liberals frustration is boiling over.

  3. Ah, but it is so funny to *watch* ’em!

    I adore that weird woman (?) on the ground after Trump’s inauguration crying, screaming, wailing at the gods.

    Watch her scream.

    Actually, I think we may need more of this to inspire, better, the #WalkAway movement.

    Would you want to sit on her side of the church? …smile.
    ….Lady in Red

  4. Time for Lindsey Graham to go on tour with the Trump Train. Might be time to go back down country to Betoville to support Cruz and explain the difference between The Devil’s Triangle and Felony Hit and Run.

  5. The way I’ll know that the very valuable lesson here is for Democrats to learn that after nearly 70 years of the Mob and Media mentality rules is over. The Red wave needs to spank them into Reality. Forget turning the other cheek farce, a giant punch in their deluded faces is needed now. Still gonna’ be a hard fight though, but seeing Soros’s and Bush’s ‘New World Order’ threaten, both crying and starting to realize the US rejects their intent for murderous Globalism. Seems like it is starting at home here, as it should and needs to be after witnessing the creation and infection of the EU by Soros is now quite evident.

  6. They are getting desperate, look for them to become even more unhinged in the form of more school shootings, more Las Vegas type shootings, even assassinations, there is no low that they will not stoop to… be vigilant and keep your eyes wide open. Animals are the most dangerous when cornered and even more so when cornered and injured.

  7. Why, yes, JPM! Church! Yuck, yuck…. You be pretty cool. Yuck, yuck.

    (And, unlike many — too many — I am not a hypocrite, either.….)
    ….Lady in Red

  8. I watched the unedited version of them trying to claw their way into the Supreme Court.
    We all say liberalism is a mental disorder, but I truly believe these people are insane because they’re possessed by the devil.

  9. I’m not sure that’s what you meant, JP, but we’ll let it go. (School obviously wasn’t your strong suit.)

    Tell you what: *you* take care of *yours* and I’ll take care of mine. Does that sound fair? ….Lady in Red

  10. @Old Racist White Woman, Nods, mental disorder is the real offense facing our Nation. New phony laws for Opioids, Illegal trespassing, Heroin abuse, nah. Enforcing and funding existing laws needs to be the focus. If the courts can define a felon being in control of a weapon as being a threat to society, enforce it., to the maxi-mine term! Take a life, not in self-defense, do a life! Take the Innocence of a child, you have no cause to walk on this side of the grass. Enforce the current Laws,,


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