Democrat’s Most Potent Attack On Sessions Reveals They Are Too Impotent To Stop Any Trump Initiative – IOTW Report

Democrat’s Most Potent Attack On Sessions Reveals They Are Too Impotent To Stop Any Trump Initiative

It must suck for the left to realize they are completely defenseless and cannot stop the Trump administration’s upcoming SCOTUS picks, or any initiative, for the matter, unless they bribe the Rinos in the herd.


This week’s confirmation hearings for Sen. Jeff Sessions portend trouble for Democrats promising to mount an effective resistance to the Trump administration.

Senate Democrats have adopted a fairly hostile posture to the full range of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees. They promised to subject each candidate to the “Garland treatment,” hoping to turn the appointments process into a slog engulfing the early months of Trump’s presidency. If any nomination was to be stymied, even scuttled, Sessions’ was the most vulnerable.

failed confirmation had once before left Sessions a diminished figure, producing dubious if potent allegations of racism that hang around his nomination like an albatross. His positions on sentencing reform and civil asset forfeiture make him an outlier even among his Republican colleagues. A unified Democratic caucus and an aggressive message supplemented by a concerted effort to pickoff the handful of Republican senators with strong libertarian streaks could easily have beaten him back.

Instead, Sessions will almost certainly become attorney general.

17 Comments on Democrat’s Most Potent Attack On Sessions Reveals They Are Too Impotent To Stop Any Trump Initiative

  1. RINOs don’t have to be bribed – they are traitors by nature.
    Traitors to their party; Traitors to America.
    They simply require a plausible lie to account for their perfidy – which isn’t too difficult, considering that the media is corrupt and that the electorate is either disconnected (once the election was over, they went back to living their lives without bothering about politics) or ignorant. I’d warrant that *most* people can’t name the current Secretary of State, much less the nominated Secretary of State.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Maverick is a short-timer with a grudge. He’s going to act up even more for sure. It must be made clear to impressionable younger senators that associating with him or his capering is very bad for their careers.

  3. Maybe the Democrats can bribe McCain or Graham to vote with them, but keep in mind that it is unlikely that the Democrats can also keep all of their own people in line. The Democrats have created a schism in their own party by catering to the far left – a move which infuriates moderate to conservative Democrats. (And yes, there are some).

  4. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk January 13, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    Are the conservative Democrats the ones who insist that we call the “progressive” instead of “communist”?

  5. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk January 13, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    Are the conservative Democrats the ones who insist that we call them “progressive” instead of “communist”?

  6. Soros must have hired the skinny women. Every code pinko I’ve seen looked like a male trying to impersonate a female. They’re all mean, mad, repulsive, rebellious,
    dumber than the women of the CBC, dirty, smelly, hypocritical, crude, lonely, tough as leather, grossly overweight, tatted, pierced, and they sport lefty bumper stickers. Meanest dykes in town. Know nothing about current events, history.

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