Democrats Only Interested in Refugees That Will Back Their Party – IOTW Report

Democrats Only Interested in Refugees That Will Back Their Party

Now we can take “party of compassion” off the self-description list that the left concoct about themselves.

The left “compassionately” take in sh*stains from around the world when they are confident they will be democrat plantation residents.

When Cubans resist communism/socialism/left-wingism and float over here on car door, risking their lives to get away from left-wing policy, they aren’t looked upon so favorably by Obongo. There is no compassion.

Cubans who arrive here notoriously eschew “progressivism,” and they displayed that by not backing Hillary.

So the POTUS,  Petulant of the United States, punished them with one of his thousands of exit statements made with his phone and pen.

Obama pictured with invisible dick

8 Comments on Democrats Only Interested in Refugees That Will Back Their Party

  1. I agree with Preseident Hussein on this one… A moratorium on immigration is critical, I don’t care which way they vote, America doesn’t need a single one. And hopefully, according to Steve Sailer, this can give Trump the idea to give Puerto Rico independence.

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